The root of prostitution, by Ana Bernal-Triviño

In all these years we have learned important issues. For example, with the war in Ukraine, we know how important it is to close Russia’s entry routes so that it cannot be financed. We also know that Gender-based violence does not end with just giving aid to the victims, but with measures against the aggressor and without him having contact with the victim. In one case or another we have learned that You have to go to the root of the problem to prevent it from continuing.

Whenever I write about something, I think of those who suffer from it. And when I do sexually exploited women I think of the atrocities they must have experienced yesterday: feeling the order of their pimps who drug them, threaten them or beat them, and the loneliness in front of the whoremonger who forces them to do whatever he wants. They don’t even know if the next day they could be dead.

I guess these women will say that what is the use of a feminism that does not think about them urgently. And they will be right. The discourse of “free women” and “empowered” does not save them because it is not their reality. Neither is the hypocrisy of a sector that blames “white feminism” to divert the lack of responsibility, misinform about abolitionism and that does not focus the problem on those who support it.

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Who is it? Prostitution exists because criminality, pimps and whoremongers are at its roots. And without them, there would be neither demand nor the profit of others. There is always the feeling that prostituted women are not the last. But they are always the forgotten ones. In his questions, he always yields, nothing is urgent, and he appeals to an eternal debate that leaves pending issues at a standstill. First class and second class women. Even more when many are migrants or poor.

You cannot ask for equality in a society that allows the greatest inequalities today. There will be no sexual freedom until the sexual violence carried out by pimps and whoremongers is attacked from the root. His criminal business continues. And these, for now, continue to applaud. Because they seem untouchable.

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