The Parliament urges the Government to allocate 25% of the Health item to primary care between 2022 and 2023

  • The plenary also demands that the Executive facilitate family and community medicine professionals to practice in rural areas

The Parliament has approved the point of a motion of the CUP-NCG which urges the Government to allocate “necessary resources” for primary care to become the “true foundation” of the public health system.

In this sense, the text demands that the Generalitat progressively allocate, throughout 2022 and 2023, 25% of the budget item of the Department of Health, prioritizing the strengthening of counseling and psychopedagogical orientation teams (eap). The section has been transacted with PSC, ERC and Junts amendments, who have voted in favor, together with the rest of the groups in the chamber, except for Cs, who have abstained.

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On the other hand, another point approved unanimously by the plenary calls for the Government to facilitate family and community medicine professionals want to practice in rural zones, through economic and housing measures.

It has also been unanimously approved to urge the Executive to planning the creation of health professionals attending to the current demographic needs, the real demand for care and the increase in structural templates necessary to be able to respond to the need to replace the personnel who will retire in the coming years.

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