The new Open Arms ship docks in the port of Barcelona

  • “With the ‘Open Arms Uno’ we can get anywhere,” says Òscar Camps

The new rescue ship from Open Arms, the ‘Open Arms Uno’, has docked this Sunday at the Port of Barcelona, ​​coming from the shipyards of Borriana (Castellón). The ship, the largest in the NGO fleet, with the capacity to accommodate a thousand refugees, will stay in the city for a few days, before resuming its rescue missions in the Mediterranean.

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“After eight intense months and overcoming many obstacles and administrative difficulties, the ‘Open Arms Uno’ has finally arrived at its base port of reference in Barcelona,” he explained. Oscar Camps, founder of Proactiva Open Arms. The idea is that the new ship will be presented “soon” in society. “Once it is fully equipped and prepared, it will go to sea,” added Camps. “If with the old ‘Open Arms’, the old tugboat, we were able to reach the Black Sea to defend human rights, with the ‘Open Arms One’ we can reach any place on the planet”, he assured.

Meanwhile, the rest of the NGO fleet continues to work. The ‘Open Arms’ is unloading a shipment of humanitarian aid in the port of Odessa and the ‘Astral’ is heading to help a ship adrift in the Central Mediterranean,” Camps detailed.

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