The law to criminalize the harassment of women who abort is making way

  • Vox and PP are left alone in the defense of their amendments to the whole

Congress on Thursday rejected the amendments to the totality that PP and Vox have presented the PSOE bill that seeks to end the bullying women and professionals, by ultras groups, in the clinics accredited to practice abortions. With the rejection of vetoes by the lower house, the legal initiative now begins its parliamentary process.

The proposal contemplates creating a new crime that will punish the stalkers who are concentrated at the doors of the clinics with a prison sentence of three months to a year or with work in benefits to the community from 31 to 80 days. In addition, taking into account the seriousness, the circumstances of the perpetrator and those concurring in the fact, the court may impose on the convicted person the prohibition to go to certain places for a period of six months to three years.

According to a survey by the Association of Accredited Clinics for Termination of Pregnancy (ACAI), 89% of the women who have undergone the intervention have felt harassed and 66% threatened, given that religious groups carry out 100 harassment actions per year, in which they use photographs, fetuses of toys or accuse women of murder to kids.

The vetoes

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However, according to the parliamentarian of Vox María de la Cabeza these people only come to pray and “offer assistance and help” to women. For her part, the popular deputy Teresa Angulo has considered that the socialist initiative has “overtones of unconstitutionality“, because it affects the right of assembly, and is” inadequate in the forms “, since by proposing the reform of the Penal Code as a bill and not as a government bill, the legal text is prevented from being reviewed by the advisory bodies.

Although, the rest of the groups have charged against PP and Vox for defending “the harassment and harassment “in some clinics” where a right is exercised. “The harassers have only one intention and it is not to pray, it is coerce the freedom of women to decide on their maternity “, has asserted the socialist Laura Berja, who has accused the PP of going hand in hand with the” extreme right “to become an” anti-system party “, which opposes” the recognition of the rights of women in Spain “.

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