The last attempt of Diaz with the ERC on labor reform: a meeting with Bolaños that he did not know

  • The marketplace of the late, the working-class staff of Rufián mandarle a coach to make sure there is a quote also with the PSOE

“I command a car for a meeting at 7.30 pm at the Ministry of Labor “. to maintain and salvage the response of this party to the labor reform. as a guarantee that it will be completed as soon as it is packed.

Peru Rufián did not hesitate to accede to the Ministry because he continued to pursue, according to ERC sources, the President of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, for certification. His answer was clarified. “Do we have a reunion now?“, asks the Bolaños prop.” Is there any new content? ¿Entonces para qué? “. With these words, he concludes any possibility that the Republican postman will accept this meeting and open a new negotiation.

“A deed of fe”

In the wake of the delay Work has taken steps to resume the conversations with the envoy of successive proposals for electronic mail que, según explican fuentes republicanas, no podium revelar. Hebrew side, in any case, a secret pact. “Pedian and acto de fe“. Pero ERC never changed his posture because he planted the Gobierno with the validation of the labor reform was a” tragedy “.

For ERC the hecho of which Diaz does not know the information of his negotiations through the “original piece” who agreed with his negative vote on labor reform. From this group, contrary to what the Ministry of Labor assures, it will not know the content of the conversations with the social agents. Saben, señalan, que hablaron con el PNV y con otros grupos parlementarios pero subrayan los republicanos que con ellos no. Of the final agreement, days before Christmas, will be entered on the communication media and will be discussed entirely in its content.

In the ERC, it is also clear that there was a perception error that the derogation from the labor reform, in the terms in which the PSOE and Unidas Podemos habían promised, were for his group an essential question. It is clear that Díaz did not intend to do this, that he thought that due to the hesitation he had with the unions, the ERC did not try to accept anything more.

“Cero precision”

On the other hand, the Socialists, following Republican powers, have the clearest idea of ​​the principle. With them alone, an enclosure, the 24th of January, is being built between the negotiators’ habitual team. BolañosAdriana Lastra, María Jesús Montero y Héctor Gómezdel lado del PSOE, y Rufián, Marta Vilalta y Josep Maria Jové, of the ERC, and alli quedó claro that does not have any option to read the text of the labor reform. No solo eso. It was reported to the Republicans that no avalaban lo that pactaran with Díaz si conllevaba un modification, también de labores complementaryas.

The second ERC is the first to be sued. Había “un serious warranty problemwith what we have never encountered “. “cero presión” of the PSOE haci ellos, lo ya les hacía intuir que buscaban otras mayoría. A sum that has finally been linked to Citizens and a pile of small parties. But he has a salient adage for milagro. The deputies of the Union of the People of Navarre (UPN) voted against it, claiming that the PSOE had agreed with its leader, Javier Esparzasu apoyo.

La vie de la derecha

The evidence that it was very complicated to deal with the ERC is such that even corrupt socialist forces: “We will always be clear that the ERC does not work”. “He who knows his negotiators”, he points out, in reference to the fact that he has agreed to many things with them and knows when he has options to agree and when no. By this we will find the alternative alternative to the law. It seems like a lot of people think that everything depends on UPN, a party that usually votes with PP and Vox. Hecho occupies the space of the popular in Navarre. For this, the Socialists, although they have lost on behalf of the ERC, should dedicate the last hours to agree on the PNV.

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The allusion to the negative of the ERC, reiterated in this formation, is such that the Vice President secondly does not understand. From hecho, segun fuentes of this group, in some moments llego to ask if the problem was her. If the staff is responsible for encapsulating one platform to the Izquierda del PSOE, as leader of the remains of United Podemos. “Esto es no entender nada”, aseguran fuentes republicanas.

As for the delay in the vote, the Gobierno has had a chance to lose the vote, confirming that there are certain findings to the Vice President that the ERC does not address the issue and that it is confident that it will be successful. “When Meritxell (the President of the Congress) says that the reform is not valid, Rufián’s car is a poem”, indicates the PERIODIC OF SPAIN, a diary belonging to the same editorial group as this medium. Finally, it was tried due to an error by a PP deputy.

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