The Intelligent Transportation Systems, terrestrial transport technology

The IoT allows the automation of all internal transport systems in a city that can optimize transport in general.

The Intelligence Systems of Transport (ITS, by its English seal), underwent a correct design and implementation, were convened in powerful ways that complemented the essential mode of infrastructure inversion in this era of digitalization, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

The SITs are formed by a set of technological solutions that support land transport. These are also known as telematics because there is an integration between telecommunications and computer science. The mayor’s problem is that transport is currently undergoing congestion, it is proving that the time of transit is increasing and the consumption of combustible and its ambient impact is increasing.

In addition to these inconveniences, the safety of the driver and mercury are also affected. Here are the current transport systems. They are designed to meet information, process, analyze and use. The support of these systems generates efficiency and security. Applies to transport that operates on urban and rural roads, such as railcars.

How does the SIT work?

It works to ensure preventive security has possible problems, thanks to meteorological stations or rooms, instantaneous delivery to informational message boards. Ultimately, it guarantees that the drivers are complying with the indications, with reactive security that revises the actions, such as semaphores, maps, etc. This form facilitates the work of the conductor and controls as much as possible the information obtained in the corridors on the security of persons and articles.

Ayudan realizes the most fluid ways of working when there is an eye on the demand for mobility. This reality is the most common today, as it is not intended to increase its use in the market for transport of goods.

The intelligent transport systems include a large number of functions, among them are the following:

  • Activity of transport in real time: An intelligent system can obtain traffic information in real time. The red can find dates of public transport, transport fleets and personal vehicles. This information allows you to make decisions and optimize routes to read in time, while at the same time logging minimizes the use of combustion and includes in it the most secure zones.
  • Message boards: is located in the carriers and sends information in real time about the conditions of a carrier, for example: bank of debt, reduces speed, and thus burns the probability of a safe journey.
  • Vehicle Emergency Notification Notification: You are automatically notified when there is a high probability of a potential accident. The notification is sent to the point of attention of emergency responders. It is allowed that the message is read at the time to the police, bombers and ambulance.
  • Automatic infraction vigilance: In the area of ​​vial security, the intelligent transport systems also complete a very important paper. One of the applications is the control of excess velocity and the step of the semaphore in red.
  • Cobro electronic gearbox: designed to reduce the time spent in the cobra cassettes and in this way increase the running time.
  • Ambient impact information: Some systems may also obtain information on carbon dioxide emissions from escape tubes. His estimate is very valuable in interpreting the impact that transport has in the medium environment.
  • Traffic content: With this system, information is obtained from the amount of vehicles that pass through a route during the 24 hours. On this date, useful information is provided for the planning of new routes, alternative fireplaces or extensions.

In addition to the security-related aspects, it is clear that the possibility of increasing tray trades and benefits is its primary assets. Thanks to all this intelligent operating system, it can vary the routes and other aspects that can be influenced by the meteorological time, the traffic of the carriers, etc. Thus, the weight of decisions and the probability of changes in plans are one of the most important aspects of the time to benefit from intelligent transportation systems.

These systems are a model of application sciences that are designed to increase the security and mobility of the carriages and that are favorably maintained in the mercantile transport system.

In conclusion, the applications of the Intelligent Transport Systems help to counteract the importance of real-time information to resolve transit and safety issues. Artificial intelligence has no doubt brings many benefits to logistics.

*The Author is an Expert in Innovation.

Javier López Casarín

Expert in Innovation

Invited column

Strategic entrepreneur, innovator and exchange agent compromised with his country and the reinforcement of his projects. Accounts with a wide range of businesses in the financial, telecommunications and technology sectors as well as in the social promotion camp, which has allowed identification methods, analysis and effective solution of current affairs.

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