The hoaxes are the satisfyer of the blessed

This works like this.

On Monday, published that a group of eight hooded has attacked a young man in Malasaña and has recorded the word fagot up the ass with a razor.

The country and the EFE Agency cloned the news. It is then reproduced by the rest of the media. There is talk of “homophobic aggression”, of “eight hooded men” and of “Malasaña”. That is to say, of the basic elements of the young man’s (real) complaint. It is published without adornment, as is, because no one has had material time to investigate the matter.

Under normal circumstances, the matter would have stayed there. The following day, Tuesday, it was reported that the National Police did not find any trace of the attackers in the cameras in the area, and on Wednesday, the confession of the author of the lie. One more anecdotal event product of the feverish mind of a storyteller.

But on the same Monday afternoon, at approximately 5:00 p.m., the Government decided to use the news of that complaint, still without evidence, to launch a propaganda campaign.

The General Directorate of Sexual Diversity and LGTBI Rights, one of the many government chiringuitos that works with such pressing matter and of undoubted interest to the State like the sexual tastes of Spaniards, publish the following tweet.

In the Spanish media ecosystem there are certain signals that function as Pavlovian stimuli. And this is it.

Those who believe that the Government or this or that party are wrong They send their arguments to journalists every morning and they then obey those orders. And they are wrong because it is not necessary. The progressive media ecosystem knows perfectly, without the need for instructions, that (true) aggression in which a band of ore ripped out four teeth a young woman in the heart of Madrid should never be news, but the news (without evidence) of a supposedly homophobic attack in the same city should be.

As should also be the false denunciation of the influencers Devermut, who invented that they had been expelled from a local in Conil by lesbians, when the local cameras they show that they were the ones who sought the quarrel with the rest of the clients.

The fact that there was no known perpetrator in the alleged Malasaña attack also allowed the crime to be attributed to the usual straw men: the heteropatriarchy, Madrid, Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the male chauvinism, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the extreme right, neoliberalism, sociological Francoism …

The feast begins on Tuesday. publishes that “agents with anti-terrorism experience join the investigation.” The same newspaper publishes that day a text that says: “Uno [de los agresores] He has bought eight ski masks, one per head. And they have gone out into the street in broad daylight. That’s how unpunished they feel. And they have gone to Malasaña, where they will surely find a fagot “.

It’s not the only one hoax that is served to the acolytes in that feast of viscera that is the heated imagination of the indignant. Activists and socialists fantasize about the sadism of aggression. They speak of the repressed homosexuality of the aggressors. Of the hatred and the testosterone needed to etch the word “fag” into a 20-year-old boy’s ass with a razor. They speak of the terror of those fearsome commandos of barbarians who walk through Malasaña in broad daylight hunting gays and lesbians.

The monster is getting bigger and bigger. The windmills are no longer giants: they are Satan, Beelzebub and Moloch at the same time.

The commentators revel in the sadism of an assault to which they add more and more lurid details. There is something onanistic in that self-righteous moral indignation who, after an anodyne life as a propagator of hoaxesHe finally finds the gruesome tragedy that justifies all his neuroses.

Remember. The hoaxes are the satisfyer of the blessed.

And so, things are said like that Madrid is the world’s nerve center of gay hatred. Or that it is Ayuso and Almeida’s fault. Or that hundreds of thousands of Spaniards live their day to day terrified, afraid to go out.

Did I forget about Vox? No. Vox believes that the campaign is against them, when for the left Vox does not have the slightest importance: its interest in them is purely instrumental. The objective is the PP and the consolidation of a sanitary cordon that prevents Pablo Casado any pact with any other political force that may lead him to La Moncloa. Because the left knows that Vox will never rule Spain. But the PP does.

And Vox does the same as they do Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Pedro Sanchez, Irene Montero, Monica Garcia O Íñigo Errejón. That is to say, fable. Javier Ortega Smith He condemns the attack, but relates it to “the massive influx of illegal immigration.” Where do you get the data from?

The only truth is told by the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, who accuses the left of using Malasaña’s homophobic aggression to “smear the name of Madrid.” Something that is strictly true.

And what happens in the meantime in the other press?

On Tuesday, in the editorial meeting of EL ESPAÑOL, and in view of the hyperbolic reactions of the Government and its related media, it was decided to follow the matter closely. Editors are sent to Malasaña, the complainant is located and spoken to (the first photo of the complainant is published, in fact, by EL ESPAÑOL). You talk with the neighbors, you talk with the merchants in the area and you talk with the National Police.

There is no new data or any proof that the complaint is true, so the newspaper only publishes confirmed news and official statements. “Minister X says X”. “Party X asks for X”. “The president summons X”. No opinion article is commissioned in this regard because the news that the police did not find a trace of the attackers in the cameras in the area invites caution. Other newspapers do the same.

On Wednesday morning, the left is on the verge of emotional bankruptcy. Hyperventilated manifestations are called. There is talk of a homophobic epidemic. The right wing is accused of having unleashed a civil war against gays. The left-wing parties are preparing to respond to that war with the declaration of the umpteenth state of social alarm. Possible promulgation of new laws, modification of the Penal Code, sobs of influencers on Twitter: all possibilities are open.

Doubting the boy’s version is professional suicide, but there is still no official confirmation of what at that time it is already evident to any literate adult: that the eight hooded men do not exist, that the cuts on the ass of the alleged victim have another explanation and that the story is nothing more than a hoax.

But how do you say it without saying it? How do you show that all this smells like burning horn without earning your exile? How do you stand up to a wave of stupidity if you don’t have the proof in hand that this is a lie? Do you appeal to journalistic nose? Do youThat nose that says any story too round to be true will most likely be a lie?

No. You leave the breadcrumbs so that the smart reader can come to the correct conclusion on their own. You publish the news that the police “rule out that the eight hooded men from Malasaña are an organized gang.” And you emphasize that “for the moment, neither these testimonies, in which photos of possible authors are incorporated, nor the security cameras of establishments in the area and the Metro Tribunal, have given reliable clues or faces of the possible authors.”

And you tweet it without further comment. And then you publish an article in which you deny that Madrid is that Mordor of homophobia that sells Jorge Javier Vazquez, still stung by Ayuso’s crushing victory on May 4. It is the maximum you can reach in the absence of reliable evidence of the falsehood of the story.

You also remember that the Police have not found a single proof that the complaint is true. And that you have to wait for the result of the investigation to draw conclusions. And you talk to the police and they confirm what you already know: that they are working on it, but for now “there is nothing.”

Although what the body asks of you is to write “I don’t believe you, brother”.

But you are a journalist, not a tweeter, a tiktokero, a twitcher, or a progressive journalist. So there are luxuries that you can’t beat. Among them, that of lying. And a suspicion, no matter how fine you smell, must never become news.

And when the alleged victim confesses the obvious, and you can finally feign surprise (“oh my gosh, who would have guessed that cows don’t fly?”), You still have time to search for the real data.

Those who say that of the 1,401 victims of crimes and hate incidents in Spain in 2020, 849 were men and 599 women.

That the main motive of these crimes and incidents was racism, and the second, ideology.

That sexual orientation incidents were only third on the list.

That the definition of what is understood by a crime or hate incident is a mixed bag that ranges from crimes of injury to administrative offenses, acts against the Constitution or incidents on soccer fields.

That in quantitative terms the most numerous of these incidents are threats, not injuries.

And that the communities with the most cases in relative percentages are the Basque Country and Navarra.

None of this matters anymore. On Wednesday night, a couple of hundred teenagers demonstrated in Sol to show your horror for something that hasn’t happened. A SER announcer said that the complaint was false, but that the fear is real, which is to say that the Loch Ness monster does not exist, but that the fear of the Loch Ness monster is real, And that is why we must continue talking about the Loch Ness monster so that this fear remains very much alive and editorials can continue to be made about it.

The Prime Minister has refused to call off a commission called as a result of a hoax. Those summoned will arrive at the meeting on the back of a unicorn, so as not to clash with the general atmosphere of novelty. They will pout with disgust and say that the absence of werewolves does not prove the absence of vampires.

And the truth, obvious to anyone, will still be out there.

That there is no epidemic of homophobic impunity, but rather concrete crimes such as that of the young Samuel in La Coruña that are harshly persecuted and punished by the Spanish Police and judges.

That there are no ultra-rightist commandos hunting gays.

That Madrid is still the freest city in Spain and probably in Europe.

That Spain is one of the safest countries in the world for the LGTBI community and women. According to some scales, the first on the list.

That a healthy society cannot believe anyone who does not present evidence or indications of what they denounce.

That the “I do believe you” has died.

That the presumption of innocence is an untouchable pillar of the rule of law.

And that a good part of the Spaniards do not care about the real victims, but only use them as fuel for his self-righteous sadism.

Let’s see what tricks they invent now.

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