The Guardian’s take on Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira: justice for them, safety for others | Editorial

The murder of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira in the Amazon is devastating to their families and friends. It is also the embodiment of a broader attack on environmental defenders and those who work with them, and the dangers journalists face. The relentless persecution of those who seek to protect an increasingly fragile world is increasing as the climate crisis grows more intense. In 2020, more than four defenders a week were killed worldwide. A disproportionate number are indigenous or, like Mr Pereira, those who work closely with and for them. Mr. Phillips, although passionate about the environment, was not an activist but a reporter, one of the many who have died in latin america For his job.

The discovery of their bodies, and the police announcement that one of the suspects detained in connection with their disappearance has said that he killed them, puts an end to the families’ anguish at not knowing their whereabouts. “Now we can bring them home and say goodbye with love. Today, we also begin our search for justice,” Phillips’ widow, Alessandra Sampaio, wrote in a statement.

Brazilian authorities were slow to mount a proper search for the journalist and indigenous defender, and to launch a criminal investigation; it was the indigenous peoples who opened the way. It is reassuring that a suspect is now in custody and has reportedly confessed. But it is essential that the investigation continues, that the facts are fully established and that those responsible are held accountable. The government must send a clear message about the importance of this case.

However, the country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, saying something “evil” happened, also cruelly blamed the two men. On the contrary, Brazilians have shown immense sympathy for them and their families, understanding that their work benefited indigenous peoples, Brazilians as a whole, and the rest of the world. It was simply not in the interests of a state that has been captured by extractivist interests and disdains the rule of law, creating a culture of impunity for those who exploit the Amazon rainforest and making its protectors that much more vulnerable.

Brazil is one of the most dangerous countries for defenders of the land and the environment, with 20 deaths in 2020, according to the watchdog. overall witness, which warns that murders are on the rise across the global south. Colombia saw 65 murders that year; Mexico another 30; and there were 29 in the Philippines where, like in Brazil, an authoritarian president has dismissed human rights and environmental concerns and embraced corporate interests. The power of corporations has not only fueled the environmental crisis but also violence against those who seek to confront it. As Global Witness points out, it is rare for anyone to be arrested or prosecuted for killing defenders, and when they are, it is usually the ones who pull the trigger, not the ones who might be implicated, directly or indirectly.

Businesses and governments must also be held accountable for such violence. Ensuring justice for Mr. Phillips and Mr. Pereira is necessary not only to honor their lives and work, but also to protect the lives of others and defend the environment they hold dear.

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