The Great Contortionist, by Ernest Folch

can you be in the same day of the extreme right and a textbook leftist? Pedro Sánchez’s political elasticity reached circus levels last Friday when, after praising the fascist dystopia of moroccan police on the border with Melilla, set out to subsidize the reduction of public transport by 50% and announce the expected tax for tax the extraordinary profits of electricity companies. We still do not know the dark depths of the diabolical pact that Pedro Sánchez sealed with the king of Morocco, beyond the exchange of the surrender of the Polisario Front in exchange for cruelly sealing the southern Spanish and European border. What we do know is that the result of this wild pact has even bothered the PP itself and he only finds a shameful support in the supporters of Vox. Hours after he congratulated Morocco with a lurid “Well resolved,” Pedro Sánchez applied his favorite political principle: the law of compensation. And that was how he announced a cataract of measures to placate his mistreated government partners, a kind of rain of millions, ranging from the rise in non-retributive pensions to the reduction of VAT on electricity. As if it were one of these prodigious numbers of ‘Cirque du Soleil’, Pedro Sánchez’s contortionism was able to reach from the extreme right with immigration to the most demanding left of Podemos with future taxes on Iberdrola.

It is the same tactic that he has used with the ‘procés’, where he has gone from the support to the application of the hard 155 until the outstretched hand of pardonsfrom the dialogue table until the pegasus created from the depths of his CNI. All this skill for gymnastic posture, also carried out in a few hours of difference, does obvious damage to your credibility but nevertheless allows him an extraordinary political game: his last movements, especially those that make him appear as an implacable sheriff who watches the borders, They bring him closer to a future pact with the PP, the great coalition that a part of the ‘establishment’ dreams of. Because only he is capable of agreeing with parties as distant as Podemos or the PNV, or as ERC and Cs, going through Bildu, Compromís and any regional or peripheral party. In international politics, his gymnastics exercises are no less spectacular: he has Morocco, Von der Leyen and half NATO in love at the same time, without this leading him to break with all the new leftist governments in Latin America. The Pedro Sanchez method It is the one of the stick and the carrot to all equally and without exception, including his own party, in which he has been able to reduce Felipe González himself, another who has gone from enemy to abductee. Part of the secret is that no one ever ends up being his friend but neither is he his enemy: any position is susceptible to change at any moment, and one of its great assets is the confusion, which mitigates an important part of the outrage: can you imagine what we would say if the repression at the Melilla fence had taken place under a PP government? Pedro Sánchez has shown an incredible capacity for survival and an unusual political ability. But it is one thing to be cunning and another to run the risk of falling into most frivolous and stark cynicism. History tells us that the last victim of his variable geometry should be himself. But, with Pedro Sánchez, it can never be ruled out that he will overcome all the logic of political laws and manage to survive, which is undoubtedly his great specialty.

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