The government is unable to provide greater security

The government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has not been able to reduce the number of crimes committed in the country. This is indicated by the most recent report on the criminal incidence of the common jurisdiction for the period January-November 2021 released last Monday by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System.

To begin with, the number of crimes that were committed in the first 11 months of this year was 10.9% higher than those registered for the same period of 2020: 1 million 871,808 vs 1 million 687,148.

The report shows the figures for 100 crimes grouped into seven categories. These are crimes against: 1. Life and bodily integrity; 2. Personal freedom; 3. Freedom and sexual security; 4. The patrimony; 5. The family; 6. The company, and; 7. Other affected legal assets. They registered increases of 8.7, 9.8, 27.8%, 6.5%, 16.3%, 3.0% and 16.3%, respectively.

Each of the seven is in turn divided into subcategories, as follows:

1. Crimes against life and bodily integrity: homicide, injuries, feminicide, abortion and other crimes against life and bodily integrity. In all of them the incidence increased: 1.3%, 9.6%, 2.8%, 12.3% and 24.2%, respectively.

2. Crimes against personal freedom: kidnapping, trafficking of minors, kidnapping and other crimes against personal freedom. In the first of these there was a decrease of 24.7% and in the remaining three there were increases of 64.7%, 6.1% and 11.3 percent.

3. Crimes against sexual freedom and security: sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual harassment, simple rape, equated rape, incest and other crimes against sexual freedom and security. In all these, increases of 23.5%, 25.7%, 17.1%, 23.1%, 42.0%, 200.0% and 43.3 percent were registered.

4. Crimes against property: total theft, fraud, breach of trust, extortion, damage to property, dispossession and other crimes against property. Here too there was an increase in all subcategories of 0.3%, 30.6%, 23.2%, 9.3%, 18.5%, 15.7% and 4.9%, respectively.

5. Crimes against the family: family violence, gender violence in all its forms other than family violence, breach of family assistance obligations and other crimes against the family. Again, there was an increase in all of them, of 15.5%, 4.3%, 33.8% and 10.8%, respectively.

6. Crimes against society: corruption of minors, human trafficking and other crimes against society. Here the increases were 6.4%, 15.7% and 1.1 percent.

7. Crimes against other affected legal assets: drug dealing, threats, breaking and entering, evasion of prisoners, falsehood, forgery, against the environment, crimes committed by public servants, electoral officials and other crimes of the common jurisdiction. In all these subcategories except one, that of crimes committed by public servants, the incidence increased by 8.6%, 14.8%, 8.9%, 12.8%, 47.1%, 8.1%, 7.3%, 601.0% and 22.5%, respectively. The drop in crimes of officials was barely 1.5 percent.

In summary, there was only a decrease in incidence in two of the 40 subcategories.

The numbers do not lie and indicate, without a doubt, that the AMLO government has been unable to provide greater security to the people it claims to love so much.

Twitter: @ruizhealy

Facebook: Eduardo J Ruiz-Healy

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