The good business of streaming companies

Netflix revolutionized the way of watching movies and became popular around the world for the content of its platform for viewing movies and series on the internet (streaming) for a monthly payment, and now more and more companies want to compete against the giant, from Disney, Amazon and Apple in the United States, América Móvil in Mexico.

Stocks of the streaming giant Netflix They have had an outstanding performance of 124.96% in the last 3 years, and currently register a total of 208 million subscribers, their shares went from 267.66 dollars on December 31, 2018 to 602.13 dollars when they are listed on the New Stock Exchange. York currently.

Apple, through its service Apple TV, also participates in this world, in the last three years it has gained 322.75% in value and is trading at 161.84 dollars per share, however, it is a company that is mainly dedicated to the production of cellular and computer equipment and its success has derived of the strength of your sales.

Amazon, the e-commerce giant, has diversified its business portfolio and has the service of Amazon Prime video, where it has content from series to films and documentaries. Its titles sell for $ 3,389.79 and it has risen 125.69% in the last three years.

Walt Disney Company, an entire movie, toy and theme park production industry, launched its Disney + streaming platform and Star+ Together, with 104 million subscribers, it is currently trading at $ 146.22 per share and has gained 34.98% in the last three years.

Unlike América Móvil, with its Clarovideo, has an increase of 49.76% in the last three years and is listed at 19.41 pesos per share in the Mexican stock exchange (BMW).

The biggest push for the streaming market It was detonated during the Covid-19 pandemic, as the population stayed at home, increasing the use of entertainment technologies and platforms.

“2020 was an exceptional year, which implied a situation of accelerated growth for the information technology industries, with streaming companies being one of the big winners,” said Carlos Hernández, senior analyst at Masari Casa de Bolsa.

Iván Santín Diaz, investment advisor, added that “2020 was a boom for companies that are dedicated to streaming, due to the confinement due to the pandemic. However, Netflix already existed before and was doing well, although it did not have as much competition, and without a doubt it is the service to beat in this market ”.

Despite Netflix’s positioning in the market, “it is a company that only dedicates itself to this, to making programs, documentaries, series or movies,” Santín said. While the other companies have income from other services.

In the case of Amazon, their main income is sales in electronic commerce, for Apple is the commercialization of its high-end products, Disney it has theme parks, and even Televisa has television and advertising service.

Netflix It has remained a leader mainly due to its diversified and high-quality catalog, however, it also seeks to include the video game business in its portfolio.

Santín mentioned that it is a platform that is diversifying its business and that it is even possible that at some point it could enter the music industry and be a competition from Spotify.

Although subscribers are beginning to worry about the latest increase in rates for Netflix, “The market share could drop, however, the preferences of the consumers could be mainly influenced by the quality of the services”, affirmed Carlos Hernández.

“The price increase in Netflix, in part, also reflects the increase in inflation in the world, but it also protects itself from a drop in the number of subscribers if it ever happens,” concluded Iván Santín.

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