The first Spanish Disney + series will be about Balenciaga

If Netflix rescued the figure of Roy Halston, the first ‘pop star’ couturier, Disney+ He will do the same with another of the great names in fashion of all time and, also, Spanish: Christopher Balenciaga. The platform has just announced that it is preparing its first original Spanish production, which will address the life and professional career of the Basque couturier, considered one of the most important creators of haute couture.

Created by the winners of 12 Goya awards Jose Mari Goenaga, Jon Garaño and Aitor Arregi (‘The infinite trench ‘,’ Handia ‘,’ Loreak ‘and creators of the announcement of the Christmas Lottery this year), together with Lourdes Iglesias, this series composed of 6 episodes of about 50 minutes of duration will make a portrait of a designer who reached the top in Paris and who was contemporary with references such as Coco Chanel y Christian Dior. Born in 1895 in Guetaria (Guizpúzcoa) as a result of the marriage of a fisherman and a dressmaker, Balenciaga dared to challenge his social status thanks to his natural talent, his perseverance and his nose for business.

He was the youngest of five siblings and was orphaned at a very young age. At the age of 13, he left the Marchioness of Casa Torres, grandmother of Queen Fabiola of Belgium, captivated with his designs, who became his patron. After opening several establishments in San Sebastián, Madrid and Barcelona, ​​which seduced the wealthiest classes, the civil war forced him to take refuge in Paris, where he would set a style in fashion between the 40s and 60s and from where he would dress Hollywood stars like Grace Kelly, Greta Garbo, Ava Gardner, Audrey Hepburn y Marlene Dietrich.

Disney+ Day

Throughout his successful career, Balenciaga also struggled to find his own style among the voices that judged his work, influenced by great masters of Spanish painting such as Velázquez, Zurbarán and Goya. “The public will witness the constant deconstruction and reconstruction of the great losses of this teacher: his life partner, his mother and his country“Disney + advances.

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“This series marks the ambitious path of the original Disney + production in our country. Cristóbal Balenciaga is a local icon that crossed borders. A symbol of talent and technique. And this is our commitment: to produce unique stories, with the imprint of our best creators and producers, able to speak to viewers around the world & rdquor ;, affirms Sofia Fabregas, vice president of original production for Disney + in Spain on the same day that the company celebrates in Europe the Disney+ Day, dedicated to announcing new productions and advancing ‘trailers’ of its most anticipated releases.

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