The federal criticized: 5 surprising statements by Joël Lightbound

In a formal outing against the federal government, Liberal MP Joël Lightbound strongly criticized Justin Trudeau’s handling of the pandemic. Here are 5 surprising statements from the MP:

• Read also: Health crisis: a PLC deputy accuses his own government of “dividing” the population

1) Worried Parents

“I’ve heard from parents who are worried about their children going into depression, about their children losing a lot of spirit and joy in life over the past two years. I’ve heard pediatricians calling me in tears telling me about the anxiety, isolation, dropping out of their young patients [et] who tell me that it is high time that we let young people live.

2) Children locked in rooms without windows

“I have heard citizens who are worried and indignant to see that in Quebec, in 2022, under sanitary measures, we sequester seniors who have been triple vaccinated. That in Quebec, in 2022, children aged 6 to 10 were locked up in rooms without windows for 10 days. Children who tested negative, who were asymptomatic, but who had had a risky contact.

3) A MacBook at the cottage

“I have heard people who worry that some seem easily, even jovially, to forget that we are not all equal in the face of confinement. That not everyone can make a living on a MacBook at the cottage.”

4) Health Transfers

“The government must begin negotiations with the provinces on health transfers without delay. The government’s current position seems untenable to me. On the one hand we say that we will not negotiate transfers until the pandemic is over and in the same breath we say that the pandemic will last for years.

5) Division must stop

“It is high time that we stop dividing the population, that we stop pitting one part of the population against another. I cannot help noticing, with regret, that both the tone and the policies of my government changed drastically at the dawn of the last election campaign and during the last campaign. From a positive and unifying approach, a decision was made to adopt a divisive and stigmatizing approach.

1 thought on “The federal criticized: 5 surprising statements by Joël Lightbound”

  1. Sounds like a crybaby. Public health provisions are in place for a reason. Imagine the mental health problems you would have if kids brought the virus to their parents or grandparents and killed them. School is not the babysitter. Kids will get over not having gone to school. There has never been a level playing field for workers before during and after the pandemic. This has been life changing for everyone. Everyone needs to adapt in the way that meets their needs.


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