A judge in Vigo forces the owner of a dog to give it to his wife on weekends

The Court of First Instance number 12 of Vigo, specialized in Family, has required the owner of a dog to immediately comply with the agreement reached with his wifeapproved in April 2021 by a court order, according to which the pet would be with her the same weekends as the son common to both. The dog, according to that agreement, would be picked up at 5:00 p.m. on Fridays at her husband’s home, where it was to be delivered on Sunday at 10:00 p.m.

Breach of the agreement

In the car, the magistrate considers that it has been accredited “the repeated and unjustified breach of what was agreed in the agreement in relation to the stays of the pet of the family with the wifesince, as has been proven at the hearing, this situation of non-compliance has been going on for a year now & rdquor ;.

In addition, the judge emphasizes that “The health reasons of the dog & rdquor; alleged by its owner they do not justify breaking the pact, Well, according to the reports of the veterinarian, he presented a gastrointestinal process in treatment, which “did not prevent him from being delivered to his wife, duly informing her of the food pattern and the medication prescribed by the veterinarian & rdquor ;. The judge emphasizes that “no situation of negligence or lack of care on the part of the wife towards the dog that harms the well-being and protection of the animal” has been proven.

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The fact of returning her wet one day because it was raining, according to the resolution, “does not imply negligent behavior nor is there evidence that it was the cause of the gastrointestinal discomfort that the dog presented and that motivated the visits to the veterinarian & rdquor ;. The magistrate understands that it is not “in no way justifiable that from that datethe common wife and son have not been able to enjoy the company of the pet together, as agreed by the parties in the regulatory agreement of the provisional measures & rdquor ;.

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