The electricity companies warn: measures to lower the light may affect their role in the Recovery Plan

The last royal decree-ley (RDL) to lower the price of electricity has not been liked in the electricity sector. Sources of these companies warn that they are being punished for a price hike for which they are not guilty (and which does not benefit them either) and that they can also put future investments at risk, including those related to European funds and the Recovery Plan.

As indicated by the sector, the RDL puts the entire investment climate at risk and conditions. To begin with because, although it is a temporary measure, its impact is very high. Despite the fact that the Executive has carried out similar interventions in the market, few with as much impact as you are.

The forecasts are that companies will have to pay the Administration some 2.6 billion euros for some ‘benefits fallen from the sky’ that, they insist, do not exist.

However, the fear of energy companies is that the RDL sets the price of gas at 20 euros MWh. Although the measure ends its validity in March, but it is highly unlikely according to analysts that said cost will be below 20 euros in April.

Thus, the sector fears that the royal decree will be extended for more months. Or that the measures applied are resumed in winter, when the cost per MWH ranges between 35 and 40 euros, well above the limit dictated by the Government.


This will condition the participation of electricity companies in the Recovery Plan, according to what the sector has to say. They remember that public support for these initiatives (such as the PERTE of the electric car) is partial, and normally the private sector has to advance the funds.

In addition, they recall that the investments linked to the Recovery Plan and the European funds are to develop very complex infrastructures, such as battery factories or electricity pumping stations. They consider that, if it was already difficult to find profitability in this type of investment under normal circumstances, it is much more so in those that are being generated with the new electricity legislation.

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