The DGT, on the hunt for drivers who commit this offense: 216 cameras and fines of € 200

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The 31% of the traffic accidents with deathly victims have been caused by distractions of drivers behind the wheel. This figure is three points higher when compared to the accidents registered in 2019. For this reason, the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) has started a new campaign special, that will last until the next September 22, with the purpose of hunt to those drivers who are distracted behind the wheel by using mobile phones, GPS or any other device that causes road users to lose their attention while driving.

This special campaign, called, Operation Focus on the Road, is developed at European level thanks to the collaboration of the association RoadPol. It has the specific purpose of reduce the alarming number of accidents with fatalities due to distractions at the wheel that has been registered in 2020. This, unfortunately, amounts to 319 claims. Therefore, both the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard like the local police They will be especially vigilant about distractions on urban and interurban roads.

For this, the DGT has deployed all its arsenal to give hunting offenders. For example, 216 cameras what’s on the spanish roads they will watch that drivers do not use mobile phones or simply are not distracted, since using mobile phones “multiplies for four the risk of having an accident ”, says the DGT. In other words, Traffic defends that “the ability to maintain a constant speed is lost” and causes that “not keep a sufficient safety distance”.

The penalty for using the mobile, as EL ESPAÑOL has said on previous occasions, has been tightened. Now in fact only hold it is already reason for more. This is regulated in the bill, approved by the Minister council last March 16, which foresees the increase of three to six of the points to detract for driving while holding the mobile with the hand and keep the fine of 200 euros and of three points penalty if the offender uses the device but does not have it in hand.

Avoidable distractions

This intensive surveillance of the DGT during this week it is because taking your eyes off the road, for whatever reason, is a risk. One of the main reasons for driver distraction is the use of the mobile phone while driving. Its use multiplies by four the risk of having an accident and the risk is comparable to driving with excess alcohol.

A driver who talks while driving loses the ability to maintain a constant speed, does not keep a sufficient safe distance from the vehicle in front and the reaction time increases considerably -between half and two seconds, depending on the driver’s reflections. In addition, the higher the speed, the greater the risk of a distraction causing an accident: a 120 km/h, on 3 seconds, a distance greater than that of a football field will be covered.

Until September 22, the DGT will further monitor distractions at the wheel.

Until September 22, the DGT will further monitor distractions at the wheel.

The distractions provoke accidents by way out, crashes with the preceding vehicle or abuses that can have fatal outcomes. For all this, the DGT again calls for the responsibility of citizens – drivers or not – to disconnect the mobile hands-free while driving and remember that “free handsThey are the only ones allowed, although they are not without risk either. Finally, Traffic remember how pedestrians, we must understand that the mobile also makes us walk unaware of road risks when we are absorbed in a conversation.

The presence of the mobile driving has exponentially increased in recent years, causing countless accidents. For this reason, the bill that reforms the Consolidated Text of the Law on Traffic, Circulation of Motor Vehicles and Road Safety, and which is currently in parliamentary processing, plans to increase three to six the points to be deducted for driving while holding mobile phone devices.

But in addition to the use of mobile, it is important to take into account other factors that cause distractions such as, among others, to smoke while driving, which multiplies by 1.5 the risk of having an accident; sleep and fatigue, unknown risk factors that contribute to road accidents; or the use of browsers while driving.

European mobility week

Also, these same days the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge coordinates the celebration of the European Mobility Week, a campaign aimed at raising awareness, both among politicians and citizens, about the negative consequences of the irrational use of car in the city, both for public health and the environment and the benefits of using more sustainable modes of transport such as public transport, cycling and walking.

Using the mobile at the wheel is penalized with up to 200 euros

Using the mobile at the wheel is penalized with up to 200 euros

The theme chosen by the European Comission for this year’s campaign 2021 is “Sustainable, healthy and safe mobility” and the slogan of the campaign is “For your health, move in a sustainable way”. The European Comission has wanted to focus on health, both physical and mental, linked to ways of moving in a sustainable way through our municipalities.

The General direction of traffic regularly participates in this initiative that promotes mobility towards more sustainable modes in a safe way through different actions. In this edition, in addition to the surveillance campaign, Traffic will participate in other activities such as the Working day commemoration of the European Mobility Week with the presentation entitled Cities 30. Manual “New speed limits on urban roads and crossings” and with activities in the Provincial Traffic Headquarters.

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