The controversial campaign in Burgos that blames mothers for the prostitution of their daughters

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At a time when prostitution is opening the debate of its legalization and its elimination, the Burgos City Council he has sparked controversy by launching his campaign against what many call “a dignified profession.” The conflict is that one of the various images that promote this initiative is blames those mothers who accept that their daughters prostitute“because it brings home easy money.”

The municipal campaign is based on four images in which complicity with sexual exploitation, showing a man who watches pornography on a screen, the mother of a prostitute, the madam of a brothel and a young man who has witnessed an assault without reporting it. But it is the image of the mother that I have caused a great stir on social networks and has prompted the request of Podemos to remove the poster.

The rejection in social networks has been joined by multiple feminist associations, such as the Hypatia Women’s Association of Burgos, who defend the abolition of prostitution, which they described as “misogynists” these posters and denounced “the responsibility and guilt” attributed to mothers in the continuity of the prostitution system in women.

Controversial campaign

The campaign of prevention and awareness against trafficking in women and girls for sexual exploitation purposes of the Burgo City Council is called # Frenemoslaprostituciónylatrata. Given the controversy, two posters of the campaign have been withdrawn due to the criticism of the associations that work for women, those who attend prostitutes and the denunciation of Podemos.

“Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation constitutes a profound violation of human rights, which uses people, mainly women and girls, as simple merchandise, restricting their freedom and attacking their dignity,” they write in the press release. of the Bell. “To end it, it is necessary to make it visible and become aware of its existence in our environment. It cannot be ignored that the destination of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation is prostitution. For this reason, the demand for sexual services is identified as one of the main causes of this serious violation of human rights. Society’s rejection of human consumption is fundamental for its eradication“, they added.

“It is unfortunate that a public administration makes use of the funds of the State pact with an advertisement against the victims and not against the puteros and exploiters, “wrote the Association of Feminist Journalists of Castilla y León on their Twitter account.

We can request your withdrawal

The Municipal group of Podemos has called for the withdrawal of the campaign against sexual exploitation launched by the government team of the Burgos City Council (PSOE-Cs) for “unfocused and not consensual”, its spokesperson, Margarita Arroyo, assured this Tuesday.

Another of the controversial posters of the Burgos City Council.

Another of the controversial posters of the Burgos City Council.


At a press conference, Arroyo considered that the posters that can already be seen on buses, taxis and street furniture in the capital of Burgos, “It does not target direct consumers of prostitution and pimps.” Therefore, he asks to resume the municipal campaign of 2019 that had the consensus of feminist associations and political groups, which this time ensures that “it has not been sought.”
Although the two councilors of Podemos supported the declaration to eradicate prostitution and trafficking from Burgos, that approved the municipal plenary session last Friday at the proposal of PSOE and Citizens and with the abstention of the PP and Vox, the Podemos councilor has argued that the campaign “does not respond to the spirit of that declaration.”
Arroyo has been “outraged and scandalized” for the content of the campaign, which it attributes to the PSOE government pact with Citizens. In his opinion, the “liberal bias” of the orange formation is noticeable when it comes to pointing out the top managers of this social problem and has argued that the PSOE should be more feminist.

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