The Congress of the First Step to Investigate the Abuse of Men in Iglesia

The Congress gave this March the first step in order to be able to open a pre-investigation abuses to minor en el seno de la Iglesia, toda vez que la mayoría de la Mesa de la Cámara Baja ha admitsad a traâmit solicitation de creations of this parliamentary committee presented by Unidas Podemos, ERC y EH Bildu y apoyada, entre otras fuerzas, por el BNG.

El PSOE was aligned with the votes of the United Podemos and he has been mayor at the Mesa del Congreso despues that the letters have not been given any unfavorable information and hayan propose to admit that he was solicited for the Junta de Portavoces to decide whether to include in the order of the day a full plenum, conforms to the provisions of Article 52 of the Rules of Procedure of the Cámar Baja.

In the vote, PP and Vox voted against of the admissions and the popularity he presented allegations and an alternative text, since he confirmed to EFE Parliamentary sources.

The commission of inquiry depends now that the Junta de Portavoces vote included in some plenary sessions and the parties that he approved the commission he trusted that the PSOE would not return to its debate in plenary.

The petition to investigate alleged abuse within the Iglesia is also supported by other formations such as Ciudadanos or other formations such as Ciudadanos, Más País, Compromís, BNG or JxCAT.

The door of EH Bildu, Mertxe Aizpurua, has valued in the press conference of the Congress this March is the “first time that the political forces in this step” and has asked all the parties “not to disapprove of this opportunity”.

Other porters like the director of JxCAT, Miriam Nogueras, has asserted that “obviously we have the support” while saying that the BNG, Néstor Rego, has insisted that “it is necessary to remove political and judicial responsibilities”.

“It’s a matter of justice,” Rego signaled at a time when Unidas Podemos was the most optimistic of the Socialists on the run for this commission to be able to read it in full beforehand.

Without embargo, PP has announced that the investigation should extend only to the cases of the pederasty of the Church.

The leader of the PP, Pablo Casado, also said that he investigated all the cases of pederasty that “if he were committed he would be arrested” and not only the Church of the Iglesia for that which will increase this commission to other cases.

El PNV, for its part, is a party to the creation of a commission of independent experts which investigates these sexual abuses in the sense of the Catholic Church before the “pregnancy” of the suced and the “inaction” of this institution.

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The PNV’s proposal is accepted by the majority of Izquierda’s parties as it does not signal to the market that it needs to investigate its need to repair, repair and give guarantees for the victims.

“It is a matter of public interest and the victims have the right to be ostracized. The commission can serve to demonize the Catholic Church … and in relation to the format we want to participate in the work plan and need to compare experts and be an altavoz for the victims “, said the deputy mayor of Ciudadanos, Edmundo Bal.

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