Territorial cohesion and corporate patriotism

September 8, 2021. Lunch at the Palace hotel. Invited Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, President of CaixaBank. Host Conexus, Valencian-Madrid foundation whose objective is to strengthen business, social and cultural ties between the two communities. Presides over it Manuel Broseta, an important lawyer, son of the senator and secretary of state of the UCD of the same name, assassinated by ETA in 1992. It is mainly made up of entities, companies and businessmen.

With the sponsorship of Conexus, the IVIE (Valencian Institute for Economic Research) has carried out a study called The intensity of economic relations between the Community of Madrid and the Valencian Community. From him some interesting facts emerge that came to light on the spot. For example:

– “The Madrid’s community It is the first region of origin and destination of the purchases and sales of the companies of the Valencian Community as it concentrates 33.1% of the sales of Valencian companies to the rest of the Spanish regions. From the point of view of purchases, Madrid is also the first region of origin of these Valencian companies, concentrating 35.6% of the total “.

– “Excluding the shareholders of the region itself, the Community of Madrid is the main shareholder of Valencian companies (47% of shareholding investment over the total of the rest of the Autonomies, the first in participation). The same occurs with the Valencian Community, which is the main shareholder of Madrid companies excluding Madrid shareholders (30% share investment over the total of the rest of the Autonomies, also the first in participation) “.

These data show the importance of business links between both regions.

10 years ago a group of Valencians, with interests in Madrid and vice versa, decided help the territorial cohesion of Spain highlighting what unites these two autonomies in economy, culture and society, and giving ideas to reinforce this union.

The same day that this meal was celebrated, the president of the Catalan Generalitat met with Ximo Puig, president of the Valenciana. Under normal circumstances it would have been a meeting between neighboring autonomies with common interests.

However, the aid of the “independentistas” to “cultural” entities such as the Omnium, which uphold the theory of “the Catalan countries” means that this type of act is usually regarded with reluctance by large sectors of Valencian society.

Catalan independence movement, like any exclusive nationalism, is expansive. If it ever succeeded in its purpose, there is no doubt that it would consider “the conquest” of areas it considers its own, under the lure of “the common language.”

It would not be the first time this excuse has been used to annex territories in modern European history. It was his ‘dream’ (better, nightmare). Therefore, highlighting the economic relations between Valencia and the other parts of Spain, especially Madrid, is real patriotism.

Highlighting the economic relations between Valencia and the other parts of Spain, especially Madrid, is real patriotism

It is an initiative is important. However, be aware that other forces act in the opposite direction. Ximo Puig himself has within his Government parties that raise the linguistic education in a combative way. Although they have been out of power for many years, now they have managed to sit in the Palace of the Valencian Generalitat. Therefore, highlighting the ties that unite and the advantages of this union, in this case economic, is patriotic.

CaixaBank is headquartered in Valencia. This was initially an effect of process. Now, after the merger with Bankia there are more reasons to keep it there. Bankia was in turn the result of another merger of savings banks. One of the two most important was Bancaja, which resided in Valencia, and its headquarters were established in the capital of Turia.

This relationship makes the Valencian Community a economic territory of extraordinary geostrategic-economic value for Spanish territorial cohesion. Those attending the meal are aware of this.

Economic cohesion by the business base it helps true Spanish patriotism that is inclusive, not exclusive. Entrepreneurs, with their ability to create wealth, jobs and business relationships are its architects.

I think it would take more Conexus among all the autonomous communities and disseminate with greater force the good results that companies generate both in the economy and in patriotism.


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