TEPJF ratifies penalty to Morena for withholding wages from Texcoco workers

The Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) validated the sanction of 4.5 million pesos imposed by the National Electoral Institute (OTHER) to the match Brunette for the retention of 10% of salary to 550 employees of the municipal government of Texcoco during the administration of the current head of the SEP, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, resources that were used for her campaign for federal deputy.

During a virtual session of the plenary session of the Superior Chamber, the magistrates of the Court unanimously approved the project presented by magistrate Indalfer Infante Gonzales, who proposed to validate the agreement of the General Council of the National Electoral Institute in the complaint procedure in matters of control INE/Q-COF-UTF/44/2017/EDOMEX, established by the PAN against Morena and her former candidate for federal deputation and for the governorship of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gómez Álvarez, related to the discount to workers of the Texcoco city council and of the municipal DIF.

The Court determined that the arguments of Brunette against the sanction of OTHER, related to the expiration of the procedure and the undue extension of the object of investigation.

The Court determined that the Supervisory Commission of the OTHER respected the right to be heard Brunette, in addition to the fact that said commission has the power to order the extension of the object of investigation in this case, as well as the performance of additional procedures, regarding the resources that motivated the investigation.

The magistrates of the Court mentioned that there are elements of circumstantial evidence, which allow concluding the existence of guilt of Brunette, regarding the updating of a mechanism for collecting resources from salary withholdings, made to workers of the Texcoco city council, and which exclusively benefited that party.

The arguments of the PAN, in the sense that the OTHER carried out an improper individualization of the sanction and the omission to sanction Delfina Gomez Alvarez and other natural persons, this because the magistrates indicated that the only person responsible in terms of control, regarding the acts incurred by the militants and affiliates is Morena, without demonstrating the way in which Gómez Álvarez benefited when she was a candidate.

It should be noted that the Technical Inspection Unit of the INE documented that the discounts to municipal workers in the management of Delfina Gómez began from February 2013 to February 2015, and were carried out under the concept of “support for the Political Action Group, GAP or party support.”

For these discounts, 79 municipal government checks were issued for 11 million 741,000 pesos, and they were delivered to María Victoria Anaya Campos, who was a municipal official and later tour coordinator for Delfina Gómez when she ran for governor of the State of Mexico. The authority verified that Anya Campos deposited at least 200,000 pesos to a Morena account, in addition to writing checks for various amounts in her favor, as well as natural and legal persons.

The OTHER It also found that during March 2015 the city council issued another 9 checks for 2 million 074,000 pesos in the name of Sara Ivette Rosas Rosas, who was head of department in the Directorate of Administration of Texcoco and later alternate candidate for trustee for Morena. Within this framework, Rosas Rosas endorsed the amounts to various people, who lost track of the money.

In that sense, Brunette failed to present the receipt of these contributions, a copy of the check or transfer data, which would allow the electoral authority to identify the identity of each of the contributors.

The Technical Inspection Unit of the INE showed that the Political Action Group began as a political current within the PRD until 2011, and in 2013 its leaders joined Brunette.

On April 28, 2017, the PAN representative filed a complaint with the INE Technical Control Unit for alleged discounts applied to the then employees of the municipality of Texcoco, State of Mexico in the period from February 2013 to July 2015, amounts that benefited the constitution of Morena, as well as the campaign of Delfina Gómez Álvarez.



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