Tània Verge: “Women have the right to free academic development without seeing that their freedom is restricted”

The ‘consellera’ of Igualtat i Feminismes speaks out about the university MeToo being exposed in EL PERIÓDICO. “We believe you and we are by your side,” she told the women complainants.

More than 25 professors and researchers of Spanish public universities broke their silence for the first time in EL PERIÓDICO to harassment and sexist violence who suffered in an institution that presumptuously sought excellence but still retained some of the “feudal” DNA. The ‘consellera’ of Igualtat i Feminisms of Government, Tania Verge, attend this newspaper in the thread of this issue.

How do you rate the information published today by EL PERIÓDICO?

First of all, I would like to express our support from the Department of Equality and Feminism for the brave women who have exposed this situation of sexual harassment or other forms of sexist violence in the university environment. I want to tell them and make it clear that we believe them, that we are on their side and that we make available to them all the services of the specialized network of attention to sexist violence.

Was the Government aware that this was also happening in Catalonia?

Yes, because sexist violence is not unrelated to the university environment. After all, universities are part of a society in which sexist violence has a structural presence. And especially in those areas where power relations occur, these forms of harassment occur more frequently. In universities, we find multiple power relations, such as those that occur within the framework of evaluations, promotions, or the dynamics of research groups.

You were the head of the Equality Unit of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

Yes, and in my previous experience I could see firsthand how, despite the support work, despite the care that these equality units provide to victims of harassment, these protocols are flawed in many ways.

In what sense?

There is a lack of speed, there is a lack of a guarantee of training for the people who instruct the informative and disciplinary files, and there is a lack of guarantees of recovery for the victims.

What will you do to end this plague?

For the ‘ministry’ of Igualtat i Feminisms, the eradication of sexist violence is a national issue, a political issue of the first order and is an integral part of the feminist transformation we are promoting. In this sense, the General Directorate for the Elimination of Male Violence has drawn up an action plan that covers the various areas in which sexist violence can occur, and which also includes the educational field and therefore academia.

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Universities also need to make a move.

In this sense, we will work specifically with the Department of Research and Universities and with the group of universities to take the necessary measures to ensure that universities are spaces that are free from violence and where all people, in this case women, have the right to a free academic and professional development without restricting their freedom.


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