Taking A Statistical Approach Towards People’s Leisure Time In Canada

Taking A Statistical Approach Towards People's Leisure Time In Canada

Leisure time is an important aspect of people's lives as it allows individuals to engage in activities that bring them joy and relaxation. In Canada, leisure time has been a topic of interest among researchers, economists, and policymakers. This article will take a statistical approach to explore how Canadians spend their leisure time, the factors that influence their choices, and the impact of these choices on their well-being.

Gaming Statistics

Canadians alike are placing more bets online than ever just eight months after the Toronto government established a controlled online gambling market in their province. Marketing for betting platforms has also reached a fever pitch, ranging from banner advertisements and billboards to primetime TV.

However, with the overcoming popularity of Live casino Ontario, there are indications that the sheer amount of advertising may have a negative overall effect. According to recent Ipsos polling & social listening data, roughly half of Canadians (48%) think that advertising volume and amount ought to be reduced.


To understand the leisure activities of Canadians, we will first look at the data collected by Statistics Canada on the time use of Canadians. According to their survey, the average Canadian spent 8.8 hours per day on leisure activities in 2019. The majority of this time was spent on passive leisure activities, such as watching television and movies, followed by socializing with friends and family and participating in sports and physical activities.

It is important to note that the distribution of leisure time across the population is not equal. For example, older adults tend to spend more time on passive leisure activities, while young adults are more likely to engage in physical activities and socializing. This can be attributed to differences in physical ability, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

Another factor that influences the way Canadians spend their leisure time is their income level. Research has shown that individuals with higher income levels are more likely to participate in more expensive leisure activities, such as traveling, dining out, and participating in cultural events. On the other hand, individuals with lower income levels may be more likely to engage in free or low-cost leisure activities, such as watching television or socializing with friends and family.

The impact of leisure activities on well-being is a complex issue that has been widely studied by researchers. According to a review of the literature, engaging in leisure activities has been found to be associated with increased happiness, life satisfaction, and decreased stress and depression. However, the impact of leisure activities on well-being is not always positive. For example, excessive use of technology and sedentary behavior, such as watching television or playing video games, has been linked to negative outcomes.


 Canadians' leisure time is an important aspect of their lives that is influenced by a variety of factors, including age, income level, and personal preferences. Engaging in leisure activities can have a positive impact on well-being, but it is important to be mindful of the type and amount of leisure activities engaged in. Policymakers and researchers can use this information to develop programs and initiatives that promote healthy and enjoyable leisure activities for all Canadians.

In the future, it will be important to continue to collect data on the leisure activities of Canadians to better understand their patterns and preferences. Additionally, research is needed to further explore the impact of leisure activities on well-being and to develop evidence-based recommendations for promoting healthy leisure behaviors. By taking a statistical approach towards people's leisure time, we can gain a deeper understanding of this important aspect of Canadians' lives and work towards improving their overall well-being

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