‘Superinmunidad’: ¿es ómicron el mejor refuerzo vacunal?

Immunologists, such as the mediator Alfredo Corell, chairwoman of the University of Valladolid, and Carmen Cámara, secretary of the Spanish Society of Immunology (SEI), “Superinmunidad & rdquor; hybrid immunity through infection with the variant ómicron. If a person is evacuated with doses, if they are contagious with this variant, a one will be removed robust munitions that it protects against a new infection by omicron and is against the new variants that can be surged. Han llegado a decir que supondría a “free vacuna & rdquor; for miles of infected Spaniards with omicron. The issue is the subject of debate, and not all scientists share this vision, and some have suggested that it should be included. can be interpreted as an invitation to the contagion.

Carmen Cámara affirms the principles of the year in La Sexta que la actual ola de ómicron “can be a campaign of evacuation casi mundial, pero no lo vamos a saber hasta invierno que viene, cuando lleguen otra vez los virus respiratorios & rdquor ;. For this immunologist, the actual tsunami of cases “should be the most important thing we need in the immunization response. We have vacancies where our protective protégé will be, but we will not contact anyone else & rdquor ;, explained on television.

What biological mechanisms exist to deduce that an infection with omicron is conferred to this “superinmunidad & rdquor ;, if the infections with the anterior variants and the vacancies do not confirm a protection that lasts longer in contact?

Africa González, Chair of Immunology at the Center for Biomedical Investigation (CINBIO) of the University of Vigo, points out that Carmen Cámara and Alfredo Corell are based on various scientific studies. Between them, one of ‘The Lancet Rheumatology’, performed in person with rheumatic pathology, in which it was observed that the group that developed most antitussive title fue the tuvo an infection and tan only a dose of vaccineincluding only those that contain double dose.

“There is a Japanese study that has analyzed people who have been vaccinated with omicron –explained to FARO the immunologist –, and said that when mayor is the time interval between evacuation and infection, the response to munitions is mayor. También also noted that the human response that was generated through the infection by omicron was not only recognizable to omicron, but also to all the other variants, and that this response is very potent & rdquor ;.

According to África González, who is also the president of the SEI, potent activation of the memory memory consecutively initiates with the vacancy, and is allowed to unroll a much longer life, and also perpetuates this memory for future encounters with possible variants that can be read & rdquor ;. From this news surgen new questions:

Does the mayor protect the infection before or after the evacuation? A study in ‘Science Immunology’ will show that if the vaccination is performed before or after the infection. “In both cases there is a potent humanitarian response capability to neutralize variants –expose González–. The infection is capable of activating potent form, robustness in quality and quantity, the immune response & rdquor ;.

Will the protection against omicron infection be much longer than the conference on infections of the previous variants? Do you also protect against what you can do? The signal catheterization that “we do not know if the vaccine will last much longer than the infection with omicron that with other variants, and its protection capacity depends on the new variantssi cambian mucho respecto a ómicron & rdquor ;.

The author of the book ‘Inmuno Power: conoce y fortalece tus defensas’ specifies that the immunization through the infection through the other variants lasts, and that transcendental doses of pandemic are seen in memory cells in persons who pass the infection at the beginning. Lo que se pierde con los meses son los anticuerpos neutralizantes, pero no la memoria immunitaria. It is possible to prevent the infection by omicron, which the antimicrobials reduce in a few months, so that the memory of linfocitos T y B is maintained and this variant lasts for a long time, including us.

The immunologist, like many of his colleagues, it is said that the situation we live in here is very different from the beginning of the pandemic, which many people have been vaccinated with, including infection with the first variants, and because of this, this new infection is a “drug being prepared, trained to see this virus & rdquor ;, and even if it has changed the virus, ours defensas lo seguirán reconociendo. “What we have seen so far is that once the humanitarian system and the ‘photo of the enemy’, always in front of the new variants that lie, the immune system will not be close. It is possible that diminutive algo, pero always has some answering questions& rdquor ;, argument.

What degree of security does this hypothesis have? González señala que Numerous scientific studies avalan this hybrid immunity, and has all the meaning from the point of view of intelligence: “First, because it is called ‘battalions of distinct soldiers’, and therefore the answer is to be more powerful and potent, direct front to distinct parts of the virus. Second, because you will reactivate your memory cells, generating new more antispyware & rdquor ;.

Do you have any examples in the history of the medicine of this ‘super-medicine’ related to other viruses? Africa González points out that there are people who can infect the sarcoma or the varicose veins while receiving the vaccine, or vice versa, and that it is important to have an immunization and duration. And there is another example of hybrid immunity that we have recently seen: the obtenida al emplear como segunda vacuna una diferente a la primera (from Pfizer through AstraZeneca or Jannsen). “It was approved that the humanitarian response be increased. There are several studies, including the CombiVax, promoted by the Institute of Health Carlos III, which demonstrate that combining vacancies can induce more immunity & rdquor ;, record the cathedrics of UVigo.

The response of cells T, a key aspect that can be mediated

La ‘superinmunidad’ key resides in cells T y B. The linfocitos T, which circulate in the sanguine torrent and in the linfactic ganglia, actuan as centinelas. Entry into action when detected by an invader. A type of cell T destroys infected cells. Another ‘advice’ to cells B to proliferate and secrete antibodies that block the proteins of the pathogen is known as antigens. In the case of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the main antigen is the protein ‘S’ or specific, the ‘llave’ with which the virus enters the cells.

The immunologists propose use evidence that the cellular immunization of each person, in order to be able to give a dose of refueling to those who need it. One of them is the test developed by the group of immunologist Yvelise Barrios. It is based on the same principle that the test of the tuberculosis and detected linfocytos T specific to the protein ‘S’ in a person vacated more than 6 months. The image corresponds to the braz of the doctor Barrios.

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Without embarrassment, there are scientists who questioned the response of cells T and B. Immunologist Anthony J. Leonardi signaled in an interview with Faro de Vigo that the infections of covid provokes a premature birth of the T cells and cause a dysfunctional humanitarian response. This is indicated in an article published in December 2020 in the journal ‘Frontiers in Immunology’.


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