Spies Who Spy and Other Surprises, by Albert Soler

To be ‘lacista’ is to never stop being surprised, which makes the ‘lacists’ the happiest beings on earth, as happy as children, to whom something new is revealed every day. These days the ‘lacistas’ They have discovered with astonishment that spies spy, and they are not out of their astonishment. So there you are, wide-eyed like a child seeing the snow fall for the first time. What things happen

-How is it possible that people who get paid to spy, spy on who were involved in conversations with Russian spies, Were they trying to destroy the State and trying to fracture Catalonia? -, they wonder, while admiring that such things happen. Creatures.

The capacity for surprise of ‘lacismo’ is infinite. time has, They discovered that what the police carried in their hands they were not batons with which to direct them when they sang “els carrers seran semper nostres”, but instruments called batons, which help to convince the citizens to drop their attitude when words are not enough. Who was going to say it. Or the day that, surprise, surprise, they realized that the famous “popular mandate” meant nothing. It was also surprising to see that politicians who commit crimes are tried and sentenced, a double surprise in this case, realizing that the demonstrations in his favor do not serve as mitigating to reduce their sentence, much less so that they can be released. Not to mention the gigantic surprise – this, completely incomprehensible – to see that not even the yellow ribbons hanging from lapels and balconies they had no use. And Europe? After repeating every day that the old continent awaited the Catalan republic with open arms, in the end it turned out that no one supported them: a new ‘lacista’ astonishment. I envy them. Is there greater happiness than waking up every day knowing that life is going to surprise you? One, who has been living in adulthood for a long time and few things surprise him, misses the age of innocence that only persists in children and ‘lacistas’.

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Living outside of reality causes surprises every time it manifests itself, which is usually every day. That of the spies spying has not been the last, Fortunately, the good ‘lacista’ always finds a reason to be surprised. And, what pleases him even more, to complain, be indignant and accuse someone of their misfortunes, which are not few. Yesterday, the Catalan ‘president’, who adds to his ‘lacism’ the fact of being a child and is therefore doubly innocent, declared indignantly – with that indignation that only candor gives – that “if you have been spied on, there can be no trust ». little angel Anyone explain that espionage arises precisely from a lack of trust. Just as without immoral acts there would be no need for priests, without disloyalty there would be no need for spies. From which it follows that there will always be priests and spies, at least they don’t send you to pray 15 Hail Marys.

The ‘republiqueta’ is neither here nor expected, which adds to the ‘lacistas’ in an eternal depression. But in exchange for this misfortune, they have the gift of marveling every day at something they did not know, today with spies who spy, morning with the buzz of a bumblebee. Like the children. poor things

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