SMEs claim to be able to charge default interest in the payment plan for pending invoices

The SMEs praises the extraordinary mechanism by Hacienda to pay the suppliers of city ​​hallsbut insist that you do not give up default interest. The multisectoral platform against crime (PMcM), which brings together more than a million SMEs and self-employed workers, celebrates the measure taken by the Executive Management, which aims to invoices with expiration dates longer than 30 legal days before July 1, 2021 from 1,640 city halls and 670 other entities.

This organization, of which the Catalan employers Pimec is one of the promoters, remember that providers are legally entitled to charge late payment interest. For this reason they claimed it “it is rectified with the utmost urgency” this point, as the deadline for municipalities and suppliers to send the list of pending invoices to the Treasury ends on 11 February.

The president of Pimec and PMcM, Antoni Canetestated that he hopes that this Treasury measure have continuity “Because it has been considered in the Public Debt Management Organic Act since 2013” and it is not explained “how long it took to get started & rdquor ;.

Liquidity injection

For the PMcM, provider payment plans involve an injection of liquidity into the real economy and is very useful to reduce crime affecting SMEs and self-employed businesses, but it is not enough to secure the payment chain.

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Cañete explains that “no mechanism has been arbitrated whereby these companies, once they collect from the supplier payment plan, have the obligation to pay the suppliers in turn.” subcontractorsso that the money flows to the last link of the productive chain and that the effectiveness of these types of measures therefore has a real and definitive cascade effect; Many subcontractors (suppliers’ suppliers) are waiting to be paid by those who have received the money from the Administrations (manufacturers and contractors) through a supplier payment plan. For this reason, we demand the imposition of a sanction regime, which is the only way to definitively put an end to this plague. “

The mechanism to pay suppliers included in the State Budget for this year with a donation of 2,000 million Brake a possible sanction against Spain for delays in public administration payments. The sanctions system of the Anti-Crime Act has been paralyzed in Congress for more than a year.

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