She walks Canada | The Canadian News

SHE WALKS THROUGH CANADA, a virtual walk through Canada to accumulate miles and raise awareness and funds for alcohol use disorder, begins on January 24, 2022. The virtual walk through Canada, founded by Canadian opera singer, television personality and actress Lindsay Sutherland Boal, is a national movement to engage the communities of “sober” and “sober curious” to support women seeking and recovering from alcohol use disorder.

More than half a million * women across Canada are living with or recovering from alcohol use disorder through various private, personal, and government-sponsored programs that assist them in recovery.

“The purpose of SHE WALKS CANADA is to engage and empower women in and seek recovery from alcohol use disorder,” says Boal. “We want to celebrate women who thrive in sober lives and raise awareness about the variety of recovery and support options that are available to women across the country. I am living proof that not all programs are suitable for those who want to seek and maintain sobriety. For me, I could not find a program that suited my needs. So I hiked, my first hike was two kilometers. The longer he stayed sober, the more he could walk. I also found comfort in new relationships with sober women. Mile after mile, walking and my new sober community gradually gave me the confidence and healthy perspective I needed to break the cycle of alcohol use disorder and start sharing my story. My journey, like that of all those seeking recovery, is unique. But one thing many women seeking recovery have in common is a desire to be healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. “

The She Walks Canada movement is not limited to those who are sober and curious and those in recovery. Anyone, from anywhere, can join Lindsay’s journey by logging their miles and, if desired, participating in online support meetings or contributing to the campaign through the She Walks Canada Go Fund Me campaign.

Starting on January 24, 2022, Lindsay’s sober date, participants will be able to record the miles they walk, run, bike, swim, or move their bodies each day or week in the She Walks Canada website. Then, on a rotating basis, certified life and recovery coaches will provide online group support, inspiration, and resources for participants.

“I am delighted to be involved in Lindsay’s SWC initiative,” said Certified Life Coach Lisa Kelly. “I feel like Lindsay’s platform is important because one thing about sobriety is that all of a sudden, newly sober people start to care more about their health. We still have a lot more to do when it comes to educating people about addiction. Lindsay’s initiative aims to raise awareness and that is something we cannot have too much of. It is time to end the stigma and make more people know that it is okay to ask for help and that the more healthy and therapeutic options there are, the better! “

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