SGI Urges Saskatchewan People to Plan a Safe Trip Home This Holiday Season | The Canadian News

It’s officially checkpoint season and SGI, as well as Regina and Saskatoon Police Services, are making one thing clear: There is no excuse for driving while intoxicated.

in a Facebook live video On Wednesday, they held a question and answer session for anyone with questions about their options for a safe ride home and about the penalties if they didn’t use one.

SGI is using live video to launch its Christmas campaign with a focus on drunk driving, especially as more people start attending year-end meetings.

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“It’s the holiday season,” said Medavie Health Services paramedic Troy Davies. “Everybody is getting over that COVID-19 moment and trying to get back to some work or parenting parties, whatever it is.”

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Davies says those parties should come with a caveat: plan for a designated driver.

“We see an increase in crashes and fatalities caused by damage (this time of year),” Davies said. “That’s the number one cause (of crashes) that we see as paramedics: alcohol or drunk driving. Usually when they call us…. Are bad “.

In a panel Wednesday morning, the SGI unveiled a new video, which features numerous community figures asking people to soberly reflect on their vacation plans.

“No one should be killed by a drunk driver,” said Bonny Stevenson, a spokeswoman for MADD Saskatoon. “You’re making that decision to get behind the wheel, so we just have to keep encouraging people to make the right decisions.”

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Saskatchewan takes home 2 national awards for fighting drunk driving

Operation Red Nose, which generally provides a safe and sober ride home for people in Canadian communities, will not take place this year due to COVID-19 concerns.

Marie-Chantal Fortin of Operation Red Nose says that if people are uncomfortable with a carpool program, there are many alternatives.

“You can talk to a friend ahead of time or a family member and say, ‘Hey, if I’m in a bind and I call you at the last minute, will you come pick me up?’” He suggested, adding that this conversation can Happen at any time of the year and with multiple people.

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Fortin says that because there will likely be more gatherings in people’s homes this year, hosts can also do their part to encourage safe driving by allowing people to stay and offering many alternatives.

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Sask. Families were asked to send the names of the memorial victims to people with driving problems.

“When you have guests in your home, you should also plan to drink non-alcoholic beverages,” he said. “There are really good non-alcoholic cocktail recipes.”

The added push this year from Saskatchewan officials is to encourage everyone to text or make a call ASAP for safe and lifesaving travel this holiday season.

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