Seventeen models. Article by Rosa Paz

You can not deny that since the pandemic startedthere have been on some occasions lack of coordination and reflexes and, in others, institutional disloyalty, but the efforts of conservative parties and media to point out, as if it were an anomaly, that there are 17 different models of dealing with covid-19, seems to simply reflect that 40 years after the establishment of the autonomies in Spain, it is difficult for the right wing to understand what a decentralized state is. Nothing that happens here is different from what is the norm in the federal states, some as admired as Germany, the United States or the United Kingdom. There also each autonomous territory, in the exercise of their powers in health matters, takes the measures that seem convenient depending on the situation of each ‘land’, state or nation, or according to ideology, as is also the case here. During this pandemic, we have seen, for example, the fights of the now longed for Angela Merkel with the rulers of the ‘lander’, and we read every day that in the United States the percentage of vaccinated is much lower in the states governed by Republicans than in those led by the Democrats.

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