Sedeco Quintana Roo presents Chetumal Industrial Park to Yucatecan textile manufacturers

Cancun, QR. As part of the economic promotion activities headed by the State Secretariat for Economic Development and given the great interest of the clothing industry for the Chetumal Industrial Park, an informative meeting was held with the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry (Canaive) delegation Yucatan, as well as a tour of the clothing laboratory at the agency’s facilities.

Rosa Elena Lozano Vázquez, secretary of Economic development state, exposed to textile entrepreneurs that one of the main benefits of settling in the Industrial Park with Strategic Fiscalized Enclosure of Chetumal It is the permanence of the goods for up to a period of 60 months without paying taxes, contributions or compensatory fees as long as they are not imported or exported in a definitive way, a benefit that for example would be reflected through the maquila and return abroad without the traditional procedures temporary import.

Furthermore, he said, Strategic Fiscal Area allows the introduction of merchandise under the customs regime within the modalities of storage, handling, custody, exhibition, sale, distribution, elaboration, repair and transformation.

The official added that the business model offered by the site is unique, because in addition to having the benefits of the customs regime, it is within the Chetumal Free Zone, which in turn is within the Southern Border Region of the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, which in turn is part of the Border Area of ​​the State of Quintana Roo, so the benefits are much broader, forming a whole Logistics hub for foreign trade, attractive for Industries.

It should be noted that, last October, the official also paid a visit to Yucatecan footwear producers to introduce them to the production and export opportunities offered by the Industrial Park of Chetumal.

The presentation was held in Ticul, Yucatán, before approximately 7,000 people who are directly and indirectly engaged in production, through 300 shoe workshops throughout the municipality.


On that occasion, Lozano Vázquez highlighted the historical alliance between Yucatecans and Quintana Roo in the economic recovery of the peninsula, and recognized the great shoe industry that has managed to promote and emerge in the southeast of the country.

Announcement that before the end of the year there will be the presentation of letters of intent from the first footwear producers with interest in settling in the Industrial Park with RFE.

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