Saskatoon zoo welcomes bobcat brothers Sherlock and Watson

The Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & ​​Zoo has two new members — bobcat brothers Sherlock and Watson.

They were born at the Zoo Sauvage de Saint Felicien in Saint-Felicien, Que. and are just under one year old.

“We are very fortunate to have Sherlock and Watson join the Zoo family,” zoo manager Jeff Mitchell said in a news release.

The pair will be introduced to their new temporary home in the vacant eagle exhibit before transferring to their permanent home in the former lynx exhibit later this summer.

Bobcats get their name from their short, bobbed tails and are found mostly in North America in mountainous forest regions.

They weigh anywhere from 14 to 40 pounds and can jump over 10 feet high. The ambush predators mostly eat rodents, birds and fish.

Preparations for the bobcats’ arrival started this spring with renovations to the previous lynx exhibit.

The zoo has installed a perimeter buffer surrounding the temporary bobcat exhibit. This buffer helps to maintain physical distance between the public and the bobcats as cat species such as bobcats and lynx are susceptible to COVID-19.

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