Sánchez urges the opposition to demonstrate a “sense of State” and support the labor reform

  • The secretary general of the PSOE sees the PP “hostage of the extreme right “and regrets that it does not support the pact reached between employers and trade unions

  • The minimum of the controversial statements of Garzón is unmarked so as not to assume the “mental frame“from the conservatives

Pedro Sánchez inaugurated the political year this Friday with a federal committee of the PSOE hybrid (blended) to commemorate the second anniversary of his inauguration and give Luis a boost Tudanca, his candidate in the elections of Castilla y León on February 13. Sánchez only did one brief allusion to the controversy that his Minister of Consumption, Alberto Garzón, has unleashed on the quality of the meat from the macro-farms so as not to play the game with the PP, and he focused his speech on his “achievements & rdquor; in the Government, among which the recipe “social democrat & rdquor; to stop the ravages of the pandemic, the job recovery and agreements with social agents.

On this last point, he appealed to the opposition so that it imitates the “sense of state” of unions and employers and supports the validation of the decree-law of the labor reform. For now, the coalition executive does not have enough votes to remove it in Congress, since its partners, led by ERC, PNV and Bildu, deny it support. The PP, despite admitting that it is not a “derogation” of the labor framework of Mariano Rajoy, has also been cast in the ‘no’.

“We are going to have to learn to live with covid-19 as we do with many other viruses”

Pedro Sanchez

Secretary General of the PSOE and President of the Government

“It is a good agreement for Spain (& mldr;) The employers have objections, the unions also have them and the Government also has them, but there is no agreement if each of us does not give in to something. The other is imposition and we already had a lot of that during the eight years of the PP with that counter-reform that we now want … correct“Sanchez said with a second extra pause, forgetting the verb”derogate“that he and other socialist and purple leaders used so many times in recent years.”What interests does the opposition defend If he resists defending the interests of employers and also the interests of workers? & rdquor ;, he wondered.

The secretary general charged against Pablo Casado for not supporting any government initiative. The president of the PP has only accepted to renew some constitutional bodies (such as the Ombudsman and the Constitutional Court), but continues to block the General Council of the Judiciary. “Little or nothing can be expected of a right wing without a political project and hostage of the extreme right “, reported. “We only demand the minimum, the obvious: the constitutional duty [de renovar las instituciones], respect for social dialogue and a minimum of education and rigor in the form of opposition, “he continued.

An obstacle for Tudanca

The socialist conclave also served to show support for Tudanca, who started his battle against Alfonso Fernández badly Manueco, President of Castilla y León and candidate of the PP. The socialist aspirant is fully affected by a campaign of the popular against the Minister of Consumption for his statements about the quality of meat from macro-farms. The spokeswoman for the Executive, Isabel Rodríguez, already disavowed him two days ago and defended Spanish meat, but it was necessary to listen to Sánchez. President did not want to get muddy and, when he was listing his “achievements” in government, he introduced this wedge: “The PSOE complies with our primary sector, with our farmers and ranchers, approving the CAP [la política agrícola común de la UE] and that distribution in all the autonomous governments and also by approving the food chain law “.

The president underlines the “social democratic & rdquor; to stop the ravages of the pandemic and the recovery of employment

The president unchecked himself the least to avoid entering “the mental frame & rdquor; of the PP, according to sources of the socialist leadership. Sánchez was more elegant than when he ugly the head of Consumption who would have recommended eating less meat and blurted out that a good steak is “unbeatable.” The secretary general assumes that he cannot dismiss Garzón, minister for the Podemos quota, from the Government, because it would mean an affront to the purple party of unknown consequences.

In his speech, the Chief Executive also referred to the pandemic and the “high” numbers of infections by omicron, although without the impact on the ucis that the previous waves did have. “We are going to have to learn to live together [con el covid-19] as we do with many other viruses & rdquor ;, warning.

Only the speeches by Sánchez and Tudanca, who denounced Mañueco’s “irresponsibility” for bringing the elections forward and calling them in February, were public. Later, in private, all the regional general secretaries except the Castilian-Manchego, Emiliano García-Page, who had a personal commitment, took the floor. In general, as different members of the committee agreed to this newspaper, the tone was optimistic, was compliments to Sánchez Y no self-criticism due to the slowdown in surveys at a general level or the management of the pandemic. And “a lot of support” was heard for Tudanca in the face of his 13-F elections.

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The committee receives praise for Sánchez and a lot of support for Tudanca for the elections, and criticism of Garzón is led by Page and Lambán

The Aragonese Javier Lambán, within the meeting, and Page, before the media, did turn their criticism on Garzón. “Errors in life and in politics go in the same proportion to the workload & rdquor ;, said the Castilian Manchego, making use of a saying from his land:” When the devil has nothing to do, kills flies with his tail& rdquor ;. Lambán reaffirmed himself in his words, charged against “doctrinal” statements that some “living room ecologists” propagate “irresponsibly” and who are a “jugular attack“to livestock. Tudanca admitted that Garzón was wrong but the one who must resign is the PP for going” against the producers “by not supporting the food chain law. Total,”peace and harmony“internal, a minister glossed. The PSOE goes into campaign mode, and knows that this is not the time for criticism or doubts.


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