Sánchez method of survival, by Ernest Folch

Interpret to Pedro Sanchez it is a complex science that requires a lot of patience. Some of his enigmatic decisions find solid explanations after weeks, or even months, and his art is precisely that your critics understand it delayedWhen it’s too late When his three trusted people (Carmen Calvo, Iván Redondo and José Luis Ábalos) were stopped by surprise in July, we wondered what was the motivation for such a savage and ruthless ‘guillotine’, precisely the three key figures who had catapulted him for president. After a few days we learned that the new minister of the presidency would be Felix Bolaños, of the party apparatus, and the suspicions that Pedro Sánchez was making a turn towards the PSOE were confirmed at the recent congress of his party in Valencia, with the calculated hug of Felipe González. Three months later we were able to corroborate that the president returns to the fold of the apparatus that one day expelled him and now he has no choice but to accept it. The hug to the Felipe bear has causes but also consequences, and it is understood even better a week later, with Batet’s rush to withdraw the record from Alberto Rodríguez when nothing, not even the minutes of the Supreme Court, forced her to do so: it is inevitable to link Felipe’s rabid references to Pablo Iglesias in his Valencia speech with the summary execution of Rodríguez. How is it impossible to detach these tensions from the war between PSOE and Podemos, perhaps the origin of everything, that vice presidents Yolanda Díaz and Nadia Calviño are waging live right now for the labor reform, in the final melee that may mark the next elections.

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We can try to be true to himself protecting workers, while the hard wing of the PSOE tries to protect itself by looking askance at the boards of directors, where many of its dinosaurs sleep. In the middle of these fast waters, Pedro Sánchez practices a curious rafting in which he always avoids falling with the carrot and stick method: when a Podemos enraged by the express cessation ordered by Batet seems to definitely threaten the integrity of the coalition, the president recovers the housing law to achieve the impossible square between social rights and pressures from Brussels. The same thing happens with budgets, where the growing irritations of Esquerra and his always faithful PNV will be predictably compensated at the last minute with some strange maneuver. The Pedro Sánchez method of survival is based on an elementary principle: stay with the center of the board, once Casado’s PP has thrown itself into the arms of VOX and Ciudadanos is in practice an extra-parliamentary party. Because Sánchez has the gift of become essential for those who can’t stand him, who come to the unpleasant conclusion that they cannot agree with anyone else. Because, what other minimally tangible option do Podemos, Esquerra or the PNV have, if it is not to agree with Sánchez? Whether it is to stay in power, to save the bet for the dialogue table or to get some revenue, everyone has to finally go through the only hoop that remains in Spanish politics, in which the only alternative is that of Aznar laughing at Native Americans underneath his mustache. Felipe himself, desperate before his variable geography, has understood that he can do nothing more than hug Sánchez, even if he cannot bear it. Right, everything sounds like pure and gritty tacticism. But there is Pedro, alive and well, surrounded by the dead.


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