Sanchez logra salvar labor reform and resit in the center ante the new electoral cycle

  • The Congress approves the decree of its unchanged, by 175 votes in favor and 174 against, with the right of ERC and PNV

  • The Gobierno and the societies are inciting that the vote will not be delayed until the investment block is opened, although there is an alternative to the PSOE útil for the 13-F

Approved. Tras quedar en elero durante semanas, tras desbrozarse el camino solo a ultimísima hora con con som som del descarrilamiento presenta hast el finale, la labora reform pactada par el Gobierno con patronal y syndicatos salió adelante este jueves. The numbers are expensive, but with the last until the final. 175 votes for 174 against. By a single vote. One minute of the submissions, because the UPN deputies disobedience the order of their party and rewrite the text. The Coalition Executive recapitulates the validation of the real decree, without change, without seeking a single coma. Obtain the reference for one of the most important media of the legislature, emblem of the management of Yolanda Díaz in Work and demanding compromise with Brussels. No cost.

The majority of investors are looking for it, but they will not be able to break even now. No salt in the air the progress block. The socialists do not want to kill them, but only the social societies that have abandoned the bipartisan party. The summary by Gabriel Rufián, spokesman for the ERC: “Hoy no se acaba el mundo. quedan menos diez días para las eleciones en Castilla y León.

Although the Parisian voices marveled at the previous night, the Camera lived to discover some hours of intrigue and zozobra. Sergio Sayas and Carlos García Adanero, the deputies of the Union de Pueblo Navarro (UPN), absolutely decisive, are demarcating the posture of their party. Since the president of the formation, Javier Esparza, has joined the PSOE. The parish “un error”, the costaba “mucho” defenderla. Pero, tras crecer la tension, los dos anunciaron que acatarían la dirriz de su jefe de filas. Pero no lo hicieron. Unsurprisingly, it’s designing its own words and voting no.

The delicate machinery of the operation works according to the guion preview. PSOE (120 deputies) and United Podemos (34) summarize the Citizens (9), PDECat (4), Más País (2), Compromís (1), Teruel Existe (1), PRC (1), Coalición Canaria (1) and New Canarias (1), in addition to, in theory, UPN’s. Pero se contabilizaron 175 síes y 174 noes. One more program of programmers: PP (88), Vox (52), ERC (13), PNV (6), Bildu (5), Junts (4), CUP (2), BNG (1), Foro Asturias ( 1) y el exdiputado de Cs Pablo Cambronero, inscrito en el Grupo Mixto.

Governments and societies take care to dynamite the lost points of the investor. The second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, who accuses the “sad” golfer of failing to prosper in his attempt to reissue the block of progress, defends the reproaches of the ERC – which as such will be the electoral competitor of the Izquierda in Catalonia -, alleging that the reform is not “humo”, means a “peace”, “history” agreement, which increases the livelihoods of workers and recovers lost rights. It is a pity that there is no discussion of “content” with the Republicans (different from what is agreed with the PNV, opuso), that the “most important norm of the legislature is in superficial debates”, in the “campo de las rivalidades partidistas“.

“Recompose” the block

Pero Díaz did not celebrate with ERC. Hecho, no mention of the party explicitly. Ni salió a rebatir a Rufián, com sí síhiz con la representative de PP, Cuca Gamarra. The most combative papel is the deputy Aina Vidal, one of the communes – “¿A qué juegan ERC, Bildu y la CUP tumbando derechos?” -, y los socialistas por su parte se tambión también con los populares. ERC charges against a decree issued as a “step”, against a negotiation that in reality was due to the condition that the text was not changed and was simply “given”. But from the principle that the 3-F does not mark an ant and a definite one. The ERC is a “serious party” and will be involved with the Executive as far as the rest of the legislature is concerned:

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The PNV also wants to keep the dialogue alive. However, Bildu, however, has been involved in many conversations since then and the Executive has said that it does not find its complicity. Su no, dijo Oskar Matute, no persigue debilitar al “bloz de izquierdas” y enseguida “trabajarán para rehacerlo”. Desde Más País, who supported the bipartisan, his deputy Inés Sabanés also called to “recompose” the block, in order not to interrupt “a time of change”.

In the last weeks, the United States was the one to announce the pilgrimage of the via Cs which always plants (and works) the PSOE, due to the “risk” of “rupture” of the investor block. The socialists do not share this reading, nor do the ally residents. These juveniles were a “singular vote”, “without consequences”, because the labor reform is a norm with “conditions that have no other vote”. “As part of the rally, to move on to other leagues, will continue the progressive majority,” indicated a Socialist minister on the patio of Congress.

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