Safety: the decisive variable in 2024

“If we do not manage to reduce violence in the country, we will not be able to historically accredit our government,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said months ago when addressing the issue of security.

If for the election of 2024 there are fewer homicides, but more charges for protection, rights of floor, more territorial controls by huachicoleros, gasicoleros, traffickers of people, drugs and a very long etcetera, their influence would be terrifyingly variable.

Such a scenario and a reissue of what happened in Sinaloa last June would prevent the president from “historically crediting his government,” which suggests that the next 18 months will do whatever it takes to exorcise such a scenario.

Who does the Senate-Veracruz clash serve?

Each day that passes, the clash between Senator Ricardo Monreal and Veracruz governor Cuitláhuac García escalates more and more, to whom, for the moment, they gave the benefit of the doubt in the National Palace.

Both the leader of the Senate Morenoites, actively supported by the leader of the Citizen Movement, Dante Delgado, and the Veracruz president have used reasons and unreason in this event, but the unknown remains.

The question is: is it the usual style of shaking the waters to keep their own divided or a maneuver linked to the management of the succession process? In any case, who benefits from those crashes?

The needs of the health sector, a mystery

In the weekly episode of “The pulse of health”, the head of Health Jorge Alcocer shows graphs and reveals figures of the millions of “pieces” that have been acquired to address the shortage of drugs, supplies and surgical material.

Those in the know affirm that these are proven and verifiable figures, but the fact is that medicines, supplies and surgical and healing materials are in short supply on a daily basis, as users of the health sector attest.

The central problem is that the millionaire figures cited by the Health Minister do not say anything to the ordinary citizen, because it seems to be a state secret how many million pieces are needed daily or weekly in hospitals in the health sector.

Swirling notes

Almost unintentionally, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador mentioned yesterday, January 5, in the morning, the fact that in other years the Bank of Mexico has delivered “remnants” to the Federal Government, but not last year. Would the governor of the Bank of Mexico Victoria Rodríguez listen? … To those attentive to the signals, as in the golden years of the last century, it seems very interesting that the former leader of the United Kingdom Labor Party and friend of the tenant of the National Palace has visited the Head of Government of CDMX Claudia Sheinbaum. Others registered that the former private secretary of the official has been sent to the federal Secretariat of Public Security. He went to school, they say … What is the difference between the renewal of contracts for teachers at the Tec de Monterrey and the renewal of contracts for teachers at the National School of Anthropology? … “There are so many things in life more important than money! But they cost so much! ” Said Marx, Groucho, of course …

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