Rusty Bowers stood up. Too bad so many Arizona politicians refused

Tuesday began with former President Donald Trump’s entirely predictable pronouncement that the Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives Rusty Bowers is a RHINO who owes his 2020 re-election to… wait… Donald Trump.

Continued with Bowers unsurprising testimony to the House committee that investigated on Jan. 6, in which the staunchly conservative Republican described repeated attempts by Trump and his accomplices to get him on board with a plot to overturn the results of the Arizona presidential election.

I say nothing surprising because in Arizona we already know the story of how bowers stood tall – and mostly alone in the state Capitol – as Trump, his lawyers, his cronies and even Rep. Andy Biggs conspired to throw the state’s election on Trump.

How the speaker asked for proof that the Arizona election was stolen and how the Trump team never provided an iota of it. How he was repeatedly pressured into agreeing to decertify the Arizona election anyway and asking Congress to accept the GOP’s pool of “alternate” voters.

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