Relocation of the general headquarters of the IMSS from CDMX to Morelia would leave Michoacán with 6,000 million pesos

The beginning of the transfer of the offices of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) It will generate for Michoacán an economic spill of more than 6,000 million pesos, estimated the head of the Secretary of Economic Development of that state, Alfredo Anaya Orozco.

Derived from the recent integration of the Citizen Committee for the transfer of the IMSS offices, this Monday the state secretary announced that they carried out an analysis of the economic implications of moving the IMSS offices to the Michoacan entity, based on the study Estimates and benefits for the first year were generated.

For example, he explained that during the first year of transfer in which 40% of the personnel of the 10,500 IMSS officials who will have to move to the Michoacán capital, 2,500 million pesos are contemplated in economic benefits for housing, commerce, education and local taxes.

At the same time, he pointed out that within this first phase of the transfer of the IMSS offices, the construction of three new hospitals in Morelia, Uruapan and Zitácuaro is planned; this represents an investment of 4,350 million pesos.

According to the analysis carried out by Sedeco Michoacán, decentralization represents a catalyst for the development of the entity.

“These opportunities are expressed, on the one hand, in an impact on the economic spill linked to the increase in the needs for food, transportation, housing, etc. And on the other, due to a change in the most complex social dynamics that have to do with the endogenization of a process that represents the adhesion of almost 4,000 more citizens,” the agency deepened.

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Alfredo Anaya reported that an investment is projected for the next three years that will trigger the development of the real estate and housing sector, the amount of which could exceed 10,000 million pesos.

He specified that this amount is projected because the 10,500 IMSS officials will need new spaces to live, so they will look for new real estate developments that meet their needs.


It should be noted that in 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, when he was the winning candidate in the presidential elections, announced the decentralization of the Federal Secretariats and dependencies.

The argument was that this will allow greater economic growth for all subnational entities.

For this 2022, Governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla reported that the goal is to receive the central offices of the IMSS.

In that vein, this weekend the installation of the Citizen Participation Commission was announced, which aims to coordinate all the public and private sectors of Michoacán to receive the IMSS central offices.

“It was decided to form a Citizen Participation Commission where the federal, state, city council, Congress, productive and social sectors are working together to receive in Morelia, the great project of the national or corporate offices of the IMSS,” he assured.

He recalled that the State Congress is in the process of approving the disincorporation of the four-hectare land that housed the old “Francisco J. Múgica” ceremony, and on which the IMSS administrative complex is to be built.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Urban Development and Mobility, Gladyz Butanda, added that the project includes the transfer of 10,500 employees from 15 operating units, of which 40% will be located in the first year and the rest in the following two years.

“There is also progress in concretizing the construction of three regional hospitals for Morelia, Uruapan and Zitácuaro, respectively, in order to expand medical, specialty and administrative services for beneficiaries and users,” said the IMSS Michoacán delegate, María Luisa Rodea Pimentel .

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