Reader’s letter: the reasons for getting vaccinated are pretty obvious

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I always try to respect the decisions that the people in their lives make.

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But this reluctance of many to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is puzzling.

I believe that the pandemic is prolonged by the minority who have chosen not to be vaccinated or by those who do not follow the protocols to reduce transmission.

I have two sons in the service industry who have been severely affected by the blockage or reduction of needed services. Children’s education and mental health have suffered, domestic abuse has worsened, people in general feel much more anxiety, while many have been ill.

And the loss of life is tragic. The elderly have died alone from the virus except for the care of health personnel.

We also expected a lot from the health care system during the pandemic and they have accomplished much beyond that. But even they are human and at what cost to their mental health?

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How can people make the rational decision not to get vaccinated with all of the above factors?

There is no conspiracy. COVID-19 is a reality and must be treated like any other disease.

Please people weigh the problems and get vaccinated now. I’m afraid the virus won’t go away until everyone does.

Cathy Redmile, Windsor

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