Reader’s Letter: Now is Not the Time for Council Overspending

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Re: This is not the time for austerity, says Council Progressive, by Brian Cross, Nov 25

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How can these three councilors be called progressive when they have voted against the vast majority of proposals that reach the council?

Coun. I remember Chris Holt voting against Miracle Park for disabled children. Coun. Kieran McKenzie voted against the new state-of-the-art hospital in his own ward.

Our city, like most others, has been financially affected by COVID-19. Why would these three councilors even think that it is good to raise taxes, while our citizens in large numbers have to go to food banks to feed their families or depend on various aid groups to get winter clothes, boots and shoes? for their families? kids?

Imagine the consequences of this on the public. Where do you think this money comes from?

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Do you really believe that taxpayers now have pockets of money to help deliver what they think is necessary?

They say they don’t want our city to be a “dollar store city.” That’s ridiculous.

The mayor and administration worked to keep essential services running during the pandemic, while continuing to invest in some needed sewer repairs, road repairs, and keeping traffic running where it’s needed most.

If these councilors think they are progressive, they should ask taxpayers how they feel about an increase in their city taxes.

I suggest you review your ideas further before placing a greater burden on taxpayers.

Linda Thrasher, Windsor

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