Reader letter: Leardi was available throughout the election campaign

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Re: Candidates stayed away from the voters, guest column by Lloyd Brown-John, June 10

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I can’t speak for all the candidates, but I know as a volunteer on his campaign that Anthony Leardi was front and center during the election campaign.

He participated in the all-candidate debate sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. He also participated in the all-candidates debate broadcast on radio. He personally knocked on thousands of doors during the campaign.

Mr. Leardi was nominated in November, 2020. Anyone who wanted to talk to him before the election could just pick up the phone and call him. He was easy to reach at his law office.

Mr. Brown-John says he received Mr. Leardi’s flyer during the campaign. Mr. Leardi’s phone number was on that flyer and there was a link to Mr. Leardi’s personal biography on that flyer. So, anyone would have had access to all the information they wanted.

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The Windsor Star has written articles about Anthony Leardi which could be found online or you could just Google “Anthony Leardi.”

As I said, I can’t speak for all the candidates, but I feel Mr. Leardi was a visible and easy-to-reach candidate both before and during the election campaign.

Libby Keenan, Amherstburg

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