Radio France wants to fight more against sexism

“A Beauf company with a Beaufs atmosphere. “ The words are cruel, but if Sophie Latraverse uttered them on Monday, September 27 during an extraordinary central social and economic committee (CSE) at Radio France, it is because they are those of the employees themselves. In charge of an investigation into discrimination, harassment and the sexist atmosphere at the Maison de la radio, the expert presented the conclusions of her work, and they are final.

Atmosphere “Very hard justifying stress, violence and sexism”, too great tolerance towards “Serious situations and behaviors”, primacy given to “Functional needs” of the company rather than the necessary protection of victims, “Ignorance of the rules and principles relating to gender equality at work”, etc. After having received or solicited 80 testimonies, conducted 50 interviews and drawn up 25 reports, her report shows that the whole “round house” is affected, and not only the local station of France Bleu Pays basque and the national sports editorial staff. , questioned by Amaia Cazenave on the occasion of the broadcast, in March on Canal +, of the documentary by Marie Portolano I’m not a bitch, I’m a journalist – the testimony which triggered this internal investigation.

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“This restitution was an important moment, we had the feeling of a very clear change in management’s positioning on the subject, who has finally heard what we have been denouncing for years ”, insists Claire Chaudière, representative for the SNJ-CGT. Overall, employee representative organizations are not “Not surprised” by the conclusions of the report.

“A very heavy atmosphere”

“For years there has been a real dysfunction in the house, a very heavy atmosphere, vulgarly sexist, etc. “, describes François Atencia, on behalf of the National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA). “For a long time, we looked more for strategies to stifle business than to allow speech to be released”, confirms Renaud Dalmar (French Democratic Confederation of Labor, CFDT), employee referent for questions of sexual harassment and sexist acts. This time a page is really being turned.

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Indeed, the management of Radio France has already undertaken to take the next step. While circulating, in recent days, the figure of 25 employees likely to be affected by a possible sanction, it is finally 11 people who are the subject of a procedure which could lead to a dismissal. Among them, six are from France Bleu Pays basque (five journalists and one employee), and exempted from activity pending their individual interviews.

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