Querétaro sets the goal of decarbonizing its economy

Queretaro, Qro. The entity has the challenge of advancing in the decarbonization of its economy, generating sustainable production schemes and revaluing inputs.

Therefore, the secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, stated that even when the attraction of productive projects will continue to be promoted, the objective is that they be investments that do not impact the environment.

He explained that in the state the annual generation of greenhouse gases is 12 million tons equivalent to CO2, generated in greater proportion by industry, energy supply, transportation and waste management.

Based on international and local regulations, he explained, the goal was established for the entity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2030; as well as a reduction of 52% by 2050.

Therefore, when participating in the forum The IMMEX as agents of change -organized by the Export Industry Association in Querétaro (Index)-, the secretary said that the state’s environmental agenda (2022-2027) considers among its main axes: the development of the circular economy and the decarbonisation of the economy, through projects and initiatives that inhibit the deterioration of the land.

However, in this way, it is a challenge that the economy of the state is in a linear system: materials are extracted from the earth, but the proportion that is recycled is negligible.

During 2020, 92 gigatons of materials were extracted from the earth, mainly minerals and fossil fuels, but only 8 gigatons were recycled, the state secretary said.

For this reason, he highlighted the relevance of making the use of resources more efficient and implementing circularity systems, since 7,000 tons of special handling waste are generated every day in the state, but only 58.2% is recovered; meanwhile, 1.1 kilograms of urban solid waste are generated per inhabitant, that is, 2,604 tons per day.

The state president of Index, Enrique Quezada, highlighted that the industrialists are an engine of the local economy; therefore, it is up to them to take on environmental challenges.

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