Quebec’s COVID-19 Case Burden Exceeds 400,000, Nearly 800 New Cases Daily | The Canadian News

Quebec recorded 782 new COVID-19 cases and two more deaths Thursday as hospitalizations continued to rise in the province.

The number of patients increases by six for a total of 256. This includes 87 people in intensive care units, an increase of two in the last 24 hours.

Health officials say 18,886 injections of the new coronavirus vaccine were given the day before. More than 12.6 million doses have been administered since the start of the launch.

Read more:

Quebec faces nursing staff shortage

When it comes to screening, 33,111 tests were performed on Tuesday. That is the last day for which that information is available.

Quebec has reported a total of 400,625 cases during the course of the pandemic. The health crisis has killed 11,315 people to date.

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To date, 382,703 people have recovered from the virus.

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