Quarrels or Palacio’s left hand?

There is no doubt that the ambitions unleashed by the very advanced competition for Morena’s presidential candidacy provoke fights in which many morenistas, a year and a half after being uncovered, are already looking for a barracks to shelter them.

The multiplication of leaks, revelations and complaints throughout the ruling party is an indication of lawsuits whose consequences can cause political damage, warn some Morenoites.

Perhaps, but it is possible that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, owner of the board, filters, induces and provokes to separate the wheat from the chaff from now on and applies the old maxim that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.

The high cost of short-term visions

An article by the editorial general director of El Economista, Luis Miguel González, reveals in all its harshness Mexico’s dependence on imported corn, wheat and soybeans.

At the same time, he explains to us how Mexico became an exporting power of other agricultural products and how we are the “garden of the United States” that meets the needs of our northern neighbors.

Some time ago it was bet that the profits from exporting fruits and vegetables would pay for grain purchases, as if nothing were going to change and there would never be a crisis in the agricultural markets.

Unfortunately, it is not the first time that Mexico pays the cost of short-term visions, due to the rush that, like now, only wants to solve the now, without thinking about the future.

The bankers who played it?

It is possible that the World Bank study is right, which indicates that in Mexico there seems to be a greater aversion of the banking sector to lend to riskier market niches.

But the reaction of the Secretary of the Economy, Tatiana Clouthier, who sharply criticized the bank for “playing it safe and appearing more like a savings space than a credit space” seems exaggerated.

He spoke of “bankers who played it”. Perhaps, but possibly they were other circumstances, different from the current ones, marked by the threat of an economic crisis that would bring a global upheaval like a gale.

Swirling Notes

Next April, the head of the SHCP will have to adjust all the premises of the economic policy for 2022, due to the changing circumstances… Did you know that on April 10, the day of the vote for the popular consultation for the revocation, the school vacations, because it is Palm Sunday and Holy Week begins?… The coordinator of the Morenista deputies Ignacio Mier says that they are willing to adjust the Electricity Reform initiative, but in reality it is about conceptual adjustments, nothing substantive … Soon Samuel García, governor of Nuevo León, will decide whether the priority for his countrymen is to resolve the crisis due to lack of water or to have the former governor in jail … The IMSS recommends wearing a face mask and maintaining sanitary measures against the pandemic … The great sports reporter Art Spander delivers this political reflection: “The best thing about democracy is that it gives every voter the opportunity to do something stupid” …

Joseph Fonseca

Political Journalist

political cafe

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