Putin accuses EEUU of provoking Russia to initiate armed conflict in Ukraine

  • The President assures also that the entrance of Ukraine in the OTAN llevaría to a war

  • Lamenting that Washington and the Atlantic Alliance “ignored” their basic security demands

La via diplomacy between Moscow and Washington to abort the crisis of Ukraine follow up and take action now that there are no indications that they have any potential desescalada of the tensions. This March, in its first public statements since a press conference held on December 23, the Russian president said, Vladimir Putin, ha accusado a United States to be provocative to Moscow for initiates an armed conflict in Ukraine, a country that assures Washington that it is using only “more instruments” to “contain Russia’s development.”

“Pueden arrastrarnos have some type of armed conflict and forces to force its allies in Europe to impress the duras sanctions of those who are involved in the EU “, Putin has announced.” arrastrar a Ucrania a la OTAN, deploy allied offensive armament and approach ultranacionalists to regulate the support of Donbas y de Crimea for the military, in the form in which we also empathize with one another armed conflict“.

Putin’s speeches he made in a speech before the periodicals held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, on a visit ratifying the European divisions on this crisis. Putin’s press conference also accused him of EEUU y la OTAN de “ignore “ the main demands of the Kremlin security. “It is clear that Russia’s fundamental concerns are being ignored“, ha dicho tras asegurar que” Russia is meticulously analyzing the responses writes “that as much as Washington as the Atlantic Alliance is sending its security demands.

“We have not received adequate consideration from our three key keys“, he declared the Russian president, who has enumerated his three complaints: prevent OTAN expansion from doing this, what if Release the display of attack systems near the Russian fronts and what if vuelva a la infraestructura militar that the blockchain in Europe in 1997.

Experiences and promises of dialogue

Despite the length of his statements, Putin has also verbalized his hope that “the dialogue will follow“. It’s something that also hacho the portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jen Psaki, who insured that “es imperative mantener la puerta de la diplomacia abierta “, aunque subrayando que a la par EEUU mantendrá sus” valores “, incluyendo la créncia en que son los membros de la OTAN los que determinan quéis pauden unedense a la allianza.

“When the zorro grita desde el gallinero which is assisted by the gallinas, that it is essentially that which is haciendo (the rusos), ese miedo no se debe tomar as a declaration of the hechos “, ha dicho Psaki.” Sabemos quienes son los zorros en este caso, hemos visto la trope climb on the front, the hemos viso mover tropas to Belarus en otra frontera “, ha añadido.

The Cross of Declarations has been rejected by the EU and Russian Ambassadors in the United Nations in a dialogue and hostile dialectical support and accusations in the Security Council and the need for dialogue and dialogue Hourly media phone conversation between the EEUU Secretariat, Antony Blinken, y el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov. In that conversation, Blinken urged Russia to a intermediate desescalada is the withdrawal of troops and military equipment from the frontiers of Ukraine, as well as the “to follow a diplomatic life“and I’m excited that” more invasion of Ukraine tend to respond Severe and immediate consequences“.

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Lavrov, for his part, explained through the statement that Blinken “was in agreement that hay razones para perseguir el diálogo ” and has insisted that for Moscow a key clause follows the right of the Westerners to the principle of “safety indivisibility“, so it’s also what Putin referred to.” can not enforce some security in other expenses“, ha dicho el mandatario.

Following the spokesman for the Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, answer formThe proposals from Washington and the Atlantic Alliance are being prepared and will be listed as soon as Putin “he will be appropriated”.


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