Puigdemont’s entourage commissioned inquiries into an alleged Russian spy

Carles Puigdemont’s entourage required Víctor Terrradellas, former head of international relations at Convergència Democràtica (CDC) and confidant of the former president, to inquire about Alexander Dmitrenko, the Russian citizen who has been denied nationality by the Spanish government for your connection to the intelligence service of your home countrybased on WattsApp messages found on your mobile phone and to which EL PERIÓDICO, Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and Bellingcat have had access. Terradellas explains: “Dimitrenko can facilitate contact and meeting with Vladimir Jirinovsky”. Is about Vladimir Zhirinovsky, leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party of Russia until his death in 2022 due to covid. Judge Joaquín Aguirre will interrogate Terradellas this Wednesday about CatMón, the entity of the nationalist orbit investigated, and will ask him about his connections with Russia.

Terradellas asked Jordi Sardà Bonvehí, the Catalan businessman who brought former Russian diplomat Nicolay Sadovnikov to Catalonia on October 26, 2017: “Alexander Dmitrenko, do you know him?” Later he adds: “he has come on behalf of a group of Russian people who live here and say that with a lot of money & rdquor ;. Sardà is interested: “And what proposal does he have? & rdquor ;. Puigdemont’s friend and confidant takes less than three minutes to reply: “Help us. He believes that with the EU [Unión Europea] we will not achieve anything if it does not feel threatened by a power. We will see them again on Wednesday 10 at 12 & rdquor ;. That message was sent on January 8, 2021. “Is it okay for us to see each other and explain to me? I confirm and tomorrow we will just talk between the two of us about what to ask & rdquor ;.

Sardà insists: “In whose name have you come?” Terradellas has good information: “He says that he groups the Russian community with more money. This is why I told you that when you and I talk tomorrow in the afternoon you tell me what you are interested in knowing and the next day I ask.” The former head of international relations at the CDC makes it clear in that conversation who is interested in knowing who Dmitrenko is: “They got in touch with the environment of the ‘president’ [Puigdemont] and this one has asked me & rdquor ;. And he adds: “We will have so much strength if we do what we have to do… We will win Jordi & rdquor ;. Sardà encourages him: “Yes, I know, but it will be long and difficult”. The next day, January 9, it is Terradellas who offers data on Dmitrenko, although he specifies: “No business is known about him & rdquor ;. After that, he plans the possibility of traveling to Moscow, to which Sardà assures: “They have us very controlled (CNI to you) & rdquor ;. And he advises her: “Don’t write any more on this channel & rdquor ;.

The connection with the former president

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Dmitrenko has denied to this newspaper that he knows Terradellas, to Sarda ya Zhirinovsky. Sources close to Terradellas also reject that he knows Dmitrenko. The contacts of Dmitrenko, who lives in Barcelona, ​​with Puigdemont’s entourage occurred through the current head of the office of former president Josep Maria Alay. To such an extent that he accompanied him to Moscow on some visits.

In 2017, Terradellas had already met in the Russian capital with former pro-government deputy and political scientist Sergei Markov to try to gain his support. The name of that politician, professor and philosopher appears written in a notebook confiscated by the police during the registration of the CatMón headquarters in May 2018. According to Markov, they met him three times in the fall of 2017, “two times in a row first, then they left (Russia) and came back.” From Terradellas’s notes it can be deduced that this last meeting probably took place in the days prior to Puigdemont’s frustrated declaration of independence (DUI). On the phone of the man of confidence of the ‘expresident’ has been located a round trip plane ticket to Moscow at the end of September 2017. The Russian politician admitted that Terradellas offered him the recognition of Russian annexation of Crimea by the Generalitat in exchange for the Kremlin’s support for the DUI.

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