Puebla must be a promoter of Industry 4.0 in 2022: Canacintra

Puebla, Pue. In 2022, Puebla must be the promoter of Industry 4.0, not only among local entrepreneurs, but also encompass several neighboring states, such as Tlaxcala and Morelos, following the example of Monterrey, which has a cluster and leads the way in the north of the country, considered the president of the information technology sector of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Canacintra), Juan Alberto Vázquez Valeriano.

The leader explained that it is necessary to promote investment aimed at innovating and contributing to bringing greater competitiveness.

He pointed out that every process has a high cost, but in the long run it is reflected in more sales, because new systems must be implemented to be in line with Industry 4.0, a situation that should be considered a positive investment.

He specified that this level of industry seeks the digitization of production processes, so those companies that adopt this system must start by developing software, whose time is not one or two months, but planning to migrate.

Under this context, he considered that autoparties, agri-food companies, textile companies, plastics factories, as well as tourism and health businesses, are susceptible to carry out this transformation.


Juan Alberto Vázquez Valeriano acknowledged that the refusal or doubt regarding its implementation are small and medium-sized companies, where the generation of 80% of state jobs is concentrated, because they consider that they will have losses if they migrate, despite the fact that it is a gradual process.

He commented that, with the universities, they should work on a project to promote Industry 4.0, which emphasizes the benefit that this migration will imply, but that it will take time to consolidate.

Each company must mark its times according to its size, but without the proper implementation, Puebla will take more than a decade, for this reason, there is an interest in talking about the cost-benefits to shorten that term, ”he said.

He mentioned that the state authorities should plan the strategy focused on the Industry 4.0, but involve information technology companies, because they know what is required to put it into practice with interested firms.

He reiterated that if next year is not seen as a spearhead of that level of technology, the state will continue to lag behind other entities.

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