Portuguese Splender, cut right, by Joaquim Coll

How many other hymns of Portugal also have heroic deeds and exhort to the people to reconquer the “splendor & rdquor; of the best times. ‘Splendor of Portugal’ from title to what is certainly sea the best novel by Lobo Antunes, todo and that the spender had glasses of his auspices because he explained a sad, brutal story about the colonization of Angola. Pero “Splendor of Portugal & rdquor; form a synagogue that evokes the light of a country of which we will learn many things. Having a PIB per capita inferior to Spain, its education system, for example, has far exceeded notes that ours has fewer social inequalities and voters are pushing for polarization and political extremes. In Portugal bipartisanism exists and the absolute majority exist. The victorious victor of the socialist Antonio Costa the evidence, and against prognostic, including including a final venture of the right. His allies of the Izquierdas no the quizieron vote for those presupposed that he is vital, as here are ours, for the sake of the high economic pandemic, and the electorate they have castigado. Although extreme poverty is consolidating, with European excellence, it does not have the strength that it has in other countries.

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Parallelisms have reduced their trampling, but has a lesson to extract. The strategy of confrontation and catastrophe has nothing to do with winning dialogue and optimism with action. Costa has found both things, thanks to his affable personality, obteniendo un triunfo en primera persona. In complicated moments, as always, the city has stability and advances. In Spain too. Hoy Pedro Sánchez, decided in these hours to succeed as the labor reform, representing the sensatez. In addition, Pablo Casado is installed in the histrionism of whom no import is allowed to be taken to his country if he joins Moncloa. As Brussels has stated that it supports the transparency of the Spanish government and all its reforms, the PP leader will not be able to run in 2023. Cutrez derechona.


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