Peru’s ultraderech party promotes new motion to return to Pedro Castillo

An ultra-registered party of Peru announces these jobs that will promote a motion to resign from the presidency Pedro Castillothe second in six months in the power, alleging that he cares of “competencies” for governing.

“We will promote the motion for presidential holiday, hoping that (the second) the strongest political forces of the Congress”, dijo en un communicado la bancada de Popular Renovationparty to which perpetuation has a time the parliament Héctor Valer Pintowho judged the martes like the new jaffe gabinete de Castillo.

Since 2017, the “holiday” motions have been heralded to prevent the peruvian presidents from shaking hands and taking part in holding ten mandates in five days in November 2020.

“Castillo is haunted by Peru (…). It does not have the skills or a minimum base of knowledge to be under the mandate of the Governor”, affirmed the Bank of Popular Renovation.

The leader of this party is the ultra-conservative emperor Rafael López Aliagatercero in the presidencies of 2021, won ballot by Castillo on the right Keiko Fujimori.

It is ignored if other opposition parties are summoned to this crucifixion, following the announcement of the augmented hard motion for the Congress to approve the vote of confidence in Valer Pintounbelievable in order to be able to work in the cabinet on Thursday.

The six months of Castillo have been characterized by internal pugnas in his governing and embassy of the radical right, which intends to open a political juicio de destituciónper the Congress, dominated by the opposition of centroderecha, the decision the 8th of December.

Opponents are angry with Castillo over an interview with CNN in Spanish last week, claiming that “he was not trained to be president” and that his governing body was a “school”.

También sugirió consult al pueblo para décir si Perú le concede una salida al mar a Bolivia.

Castillo tuvo que reorganize este martes su gobierno tras la surpresiva dimisión de la jefa de gabinete, Mirtha Vásquezby desacredos about ascents in the police.

Nombró en su lugar a Valer Pinto, un abogado de 62 aosos elidos al Congresso en 2021 en la list de Renovación Popular, que luego fue separda de ese party par exigir que se respitara de balottaje ganado por Castillo, mientras sus comaradas denunciaban un supuesto “fraud” in the vote.

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