Pedro Castillo, President of Peru, reorganizes his cabinet three days after appointing a new Prime Minister

The President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, announces the firefighters who will reorganize their cabinets only three days after having their team renovated, with a prime minister appointed by family violence denunciations generating a pool of critics against the Gobierno.

In a message posted by the television, Castillo, who had attended the marches on his third day in the middle of the management year, did not say that Prime Minister Héctor Valer would carry the cargo or other ministerial exchanges.

The mandate tampoco mention when it knows the numbers of its new ministers, compliant with 19 officials including the Prime Minister, although it is hoped that it will consider representatives of various political forces.

The most probable is that Castillo despises Valer, who has received an ounce of critics of the opposition, groups of human rights activists, feminists, indigenous people and has the official partisan partisan of denouncing golper and his wife he has defunct, that he official has refused.

Movement defenders of the women will hold a four march in protest at the center of Lima with the lema “Fuera gabinete corrupto y machista”, retending the state of emergence -which suspends civil rights- that decree this week the goberno in busca de fortalecer la lucha contra la delincuencia con el apoyo de las fuerzas armadas.

In his message, Castillo Criticism of the Congress dominated by the opposition that most recently denounced as a superstition to close the parliament, lies that Valer is pushing the Legislature to accelerate its decision to refrain from having its governing body and plan, as it normally produces in two three weeks.

“The Congress has expressed its negativity to this urgent petition, a petition postponed for the immediate solution in the market of democracy”, the President Castillo stated in his message.

“Because he has taken the decision to reconsider the cabinet and these changes are taking place in account of the opening of the political, academic and professional forces of the country,” he said.

If the Congress passes a second ministerial vote, the Peruvian Constitution will allow the President to chair Parliament and convene new legislative elections.

“We will not allow democracy to be interrupted”, said the jefa del Congress, Maricamen Alva, at a press conference prior to the announcement of the nation’s president.

The critics were only directed to Valer, who also spoke to the Minister of the Environment, Wilber Supo, a professor of geography without experience on the media and militant themes of the Marxist Peruvian Liberal Party that led him to Castillo.

The Ingredient of Supo produces while the governs encounters the ecological disaster of Peru in years due to the excess of 10,000 barrels of petroleum in the sea of ​​the Spanish town of Repsol, which affected the wildlife and kilometers of beaches in Lima.

“By favor busquen the best squares, the Peruvians we want peace”, invoked the Governor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, in periodicals and periodicals. “It’s affecting a lot of the president if he does not read the correct media”.

Mujeres de ocho partidos en el Congreso hicieron publice una carte dirigida a Castillo, en la que pidieron “la medmediate destitión” de Valer y anunciaron que no iban a dar su vote de respaldo al nuve gabinete del Gobierno.

Peru has had since 2016 cinco presidents, including Castillo. In 2018, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Minutes preceded by a vote of dissent in the Congress that lost ten, while Martín Vizcarra voted in November 2020 in a vote in Parliament.


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