Palacio also writes in crooked lines

The head of the Public Function, Roberto Salcedo Aquino, is entrusted by President López Obrador with the task of investigating Santiago Nieto and Alejandro Gertz, since the lawsuit, as René Casados ​​said, involves the government’s reputation for integrity.

Likewise, it promotes the pilot plan of Conacyt in the CIDE, to refine the great project of bringing the “Maoist cultural revolution” to the public universities, whose control by the ruling party runs up against the autonomies.

Everything is on his personal board, there he sees all the pieces, only he knows which ones he adjusts, which “infidels” he expels, as dictated by the strategy designed many years ago to achieve “change consciences”, sure of controlling reality itself.

“Jack the Ripper” method against opponents

Adhering to the instructions received, the Secretary of the Interior Adán Augusto López addresses the complaints of the opposition for what they qualify as the government’s closure to the dialogue.

In an initial meeting with Santiago Creel, he suggested meeting with governors, legislators and, obviously, the anayistas of the PAN’s CEN. He will also summon the PRI to “discuss and agree on agendas.”

He applies the Jack the Ripper method to the opposition: “we go in parts” and adheres to the advice received: “listen to them, respond with vagueness and generalities, but, above all, for no reason do you receive together the PAN, PRI and PRD members” .

In the older style, Mario Delgado’s lists

Since that afternoon when Mario Delgado left the National Palace with two large backpacks full of documents, he was clear about his responsibility, as a symphony musician, stick to the score.

Thus, the selection of candidates for each of the six governorships at stake in 2022 has to adhere to the methods already described officially qualified as democratic in Morena, for example, the polls.

With florid rhetoric they will tell us that each candidate and candidate was chosen by the will of the blessed people. They will never accept that we are facing the 2021 version of the historic palomeo of the lists made by the imperial presidents.

Swirling notes

Strictly speaking, for the Head of Government, Claudia Sheinbaum, yesterday, December 8, it was not her Third Report, but the beginning of a 24-month journey towards her eventual presidential candidacy, a day that no longer leaves room for errors … INAI, for now, the autonomous body that will present before the Supreme Court the constitutional controversy over the so-called presidential “decree” that classifies federal public works as “national security” … Miguel Torruco, head of Tourism, will explain to the president if it affects Washington’s warning to its tourists of possible contagions in Mexico … We will find out if Yeidckol Polevnsky’s suspension of his rights in Morena had the permission of Palacio or if they risk charging revenge, as it would mean reviving the corrosive Tribalism that, yes, can get out of control … With her great talent and lucid intelligence, the political scientist Soledad Loaeza leaves this reflection, current as ever: “the political center is fractured, now the extreme left and right dominate. They are both arrogant, ignorant and believe they can solve everything. You are wrong”…

Jose Fonseca

Political Journalist

political coffee

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